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Mentions of the nasty (not a smut i swear)
Y/n: 21
Miguel: 22

Y/N POV.....
             Miguel had gone to the store for some snacks because tonight was movie night, for 2 months i wasn't getting my period. It confused me because the last time we did IT, he wore a condom, so a couple days ago i bought a pregnancy test and since Miguel is gone it's the perfect time to do it
   I quickly walk into the bathroom with the test, i was scared out of my mind, does Miguel want a baby? What will he do if he doesn't? Will he leave me? Those thoughts kept running threw my mind while i took the test, when i was done i set it on the counter. The test took 3 minutes for the results so I'm the mean time i took deep breaths and prepared myself for if it was positive, i tried to convince myself i wasnt pregnant out of fear
      It had been 5 minutes, i was scared to check it, i sat across the bathroom on the opposite wall of the counter before managing to stand up and walk across the bathroom. I peek at the test and see 2 lines on the test, i immediately start crying and put my hand over my mouth. A few seconds later i realize i need to get it together "how will i tell miguel" i stop crying as i think of that, my worst fear is miguel leaving me and this might be the day. I think for a moment before grabbing my phone and opening Miguel's contact "gonna go to target for some stuff" i send it, miguel quickly reads it "I'm at Kroger right now i can grab it what do you need?" I text back "no it's a suprise" he reads it and just sends okay, i get changed it grab my keys before walking out to the driveway and getting into the car, i kept the test with me so miguel had no chance of seeing it early
       I get into target and head for boxes, i grab a purple one that's a square before rushing to the party isle. I get blue and pink sparkly tissue paper. I take deep breaths while slowly walking towards the baby isle, i obviously didn't know the gender get so i got a white baby onsie with a bear face and matching bear shoes, i walk to the register and pay before walking out. I get in my car and put the box together, i put tissue paper on the bottom then the folded onsie, i put the test on top and the shoes to the side before putting more paper on top of it, i close the lid and start to drive home.
        I get home and see Miguel's car in the front in immediately get scared, i walk out of the car holding the box before jamming my key into the hole and walking in. Miguel was on his gaming chair playing whatever video game, i set the box on the table and walk over to him "hey baby" he says without glancing at me "Miguel can you get off the game for a second?" My voice shakes "uh give me a mi-" i cut him off "Miguel get off i need to tell you something!" I snap, he looks at me and sighs before nodding and turning the game off. He takes his headset off and turns his chair to me while i hand him the box "what is this?" He chuckles and opens the box, i look at him while he opens it, he takes the paper off and looks at the onsie, then the shoes, then the test. He looks up at me before picking the test up and examining it closely. He breaks the silence "are you serious?" That question made my heart drop, is he mad? I nod while a smile grows on his face, he stands up and starts fast talking and squealing like a little kid, i let out a breath i didnt know i was holding "slow down!" I laugh, he nods and calms down, "are you for real? I'm gonna be a dad?!" I nod and he hugs me. "Your not mad?" He pulls me out of the hug and looks at me confused "why would i be mad? Your carrying MY child!" He says in disbelief "I'm gonna be a dad!" I laugh and nod "we'll i just thought you didn't want a kid" he chuckles and shakes his head "it was a suprise yes, but iv always wanted a family with you...obviously i didnt think it would would be this soon but that dosent matter right now" i laugh and he hugs me again "i really want a little little princesa" i smile and nod "what if it's a boy?" I ask, he strokes my head "I'll love the baby so, so much, no matter the gender" 

844 words
i dont know if i spelled princesa right so if i didnt don't make fun of me

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