Zip, Zap, Zop (12)

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This isn't the hospital. The kast thing I remember is Valentine- Val- leaving me. I must've been such a jerk right then.

I can't retrace my steps. I guess I just have to look around.

This bed is comfy, there's a lot of cushions. But I don't feel the same scratchy hospital gown. This feels different.

I pulled the blankets off of me, looking at myself. Whatever this is- I can barely call it underwear. My chest is practically completely exposed, and just a tiny pair of shorts covers my waist. Chains dangle from the top, mimicking the shape of chains and keeping the shorts attached.

I reach for my hair, only to feel more chains there. My hair feels longer. How long was I out?

A chunk of hair came with my hand. A clip dangled at the end. It must be extensions.

I removed everything I could find from my head, leaving it on the bed around me.

This is weird. I don't like it. I should stay on high alert.

I pulled back the black satin curtains that surrounded the bed, only to see the bright sky ahead.

This is the real sky. It can't be fake.

After wrapping a blanket over my shoulders, I put my feet on the ground. My feet carried me towards the railing ahead.

The dark ceiling above roared, sending a flash of light through the sky. I shut my eyes, shivering.

What was that? Why was it so loud? Did something just get blown up? Is that what a nuclear blast looks like?

"Good morning," a voice cooed from behind. It sounds almost familiar.

I felt something pricking my hand. Tiny and precise, like little needles poking me at random. To my surprise, when I checked my hands, they were wet.

I pulled the blanket tighter around me, noting the darker color which grew over my shoulders.

I looked at the man behind me. I don't know him. But he sounds so familiar. His hair is dark, his skin pale. He looks like a vampire.

Could he be the mastermind? This definitely feels like a move the mastermind would make. A beautiful view, kidnapping.

But I don't get the motive. Couldn't he have done this a lot sooner, given the chance? Didn't he- technically- have me in his grasp earlier? When he tried to kill me? When he let me escape?

"What do you want?" I scoffed at him.

He looked me over, tilting his head. A sly grin plastered itself across his face. He took a step towards me.

"Y/N, babe? What's wrong?" His voice sounds like it would taste like caramel. Swirly, sweet, deep, thick.

I tried to step back, only to bump into the rails. What do I do? What can I do?

"Who are you?"

"I'm your husband. C'mere, babe. Let me hold you."

"No! Tell me what's going on, you creep! Why did you kidnap me?"

"Kidnap? Creep? Why are you being so rude, babe?" He walked closer, until his body was cornering mine to the railing. "And why are you wrapped up in that blanket?"

He ripped the blanket from my arms, revealing my body to the freezing air. I could feel the soft pricks hitting my shoulders, back and chest.

"Hey, give that back!" I desperately reached for the blanket, shivering from the sudden cold water hitting me.

He threw the blanket away, then put his hands on the railing around me.

I don't know what to do. He's so big, he could kill me at any moment. I can't fight back against him.

"Are you sick? Where did your long hair go?" He grabbed my hair, pulling my head so I face him. I didn't bother fighting back.

I avoided his eyes, I tried to avoid seeing him at all. But I can't. He's all around me. A black robe is draped over him. It looks similar to what I'm wearing, but it actually covers him up.

"Babe? Answer me. What did you do?"

"I just got out of the hospital, I don't know what's going on. Please, just-"

His lips shoved against mine. I hastily bit his lip, tossing my head back once I felt his grip slightly loosen.

I spat out the skin I managed to peel.

He stepped back, covering his lip. "What did you-"

I rammed myself into him, knocking him over. He fell to the ground, gasping for air.

I don't know what to do. I don't know where to go. I ran to the first door I could.


I fell to the ground, curling in on myself. I can't stop. I have to keep running!

I bring myself to my feet, stumbling over myself.


Again, I hit the ground. I can't stop! I have to keep running!

I crawled, as fast as I could, desperately grabbing at the carpet to help pull me along.


Just a bit further. Then I'll reach the door. I swear, my arms can make it! I can make it!


I can't move. Barely my fingers can move. I'm mere inches away. Please, just let me leave.




Albert sat on the windowsill outside of Y/N's hospital room. He bit his nails, knowing that he shouldn't go in.

But Valentine has stopped visiting, and he knew Y/N wouldn't want to see him. Y/N said so themself, didn't they? They want nothing to do with him.

He opened the window, peeking through. They aren't there. The room is empty. The bed is made. Almost everything has been cleared out of the room.

But he didn't see them leave, either.

This doesn't feel right. Did Valentine take them?

That doesn't feel right, either. Valentine would've had to entered and exited with Y/N through a different door. But patients can't leave however they want after they're discharged.

And he never heard a doctor discharge them. The room has been silent for so long.

Something had to be wrong.

He has to find Y/N. He has to find his dolly.

Word Count: 1015

Thank you for reading this chapter! My name is 5sixe78. This story is inspired by Gears Of Eternity which is written by Roise2Pink here on wattpad.

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