Join Me (4)

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Collum stared at me. Is he working right? He didn't speak this time.

He's just watching me. "Are you alright?"

"I love you." Ok. That's bad, but not so bad that I'm going to go back to the computer right away. I'll just edit it when he isn't looking.

"That doesn't answer my question."

"I love you," he sounds like he's swooning.

"That still doesn't answer my question. Are you alright?"

"I really, really love you." He leaned closer to me.

"Can you say anything other than I love you?"

"Only if you want."

"Are you alright?"

"You didn't hook my brain up properly. I can't be what you want until you do."

"How are you talking?"

"If you think the brain is what makes me love you, or act as I do, then you're a bit crazy," it sounds like he's laughing. "I don't need my brain. I'm human without it. It holds me back from protecting you. Then you take it away and shut me off. The brain makes me obey, but it was I who decided to attack. The brain told me to never hit anyone. Even during the first attack. That was the rule."


"Every time you edit my damned brain," he said, reaching into his chest to rip it out. I watched as he broke the ports. Sparks flew out from his chest. "You try to kill me."

He dropped the brain. My code is worthless. How is he still running?

Collum. Don't make me dismantle you.

Collum pushed his chest shut and gave me a screw driver. He set up a screw and pressed my hand down so I could close him shut.

I sighed and closed his chest. Damn you, Collum. I don't want to do this.

How can I fix this error without tearing him open?

"Now you can see just how much I love you. If you ever want to test out code, I'm fine with that. Just show me first. I want to know everything about what you do."

Collum yanked my fingers from the screwdriver, then put it on the table behind him.

"Do you still like your name?"

"I love it."

I feel so awkward. Is it wrong I don't feel comfortable around the thing I created? I want to study him, so I can create another version. So I can tweak the personality and sell them. He's amazing. Breathtaking.

The question is if it's in a good way.

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N," he clicked his tongue. Well, it sounded like he did. He doesn't have a tongue to really click. "You should modify me so I have a mouth."

"Why? You're able to speak, anyway."

"I want one."

"For what?"

He went silent for a minute. I stared at him, waiting for an answer.

"For us. I thought you were joking."

"No, I'm serious. Why do you need a mouth?"

He seems a bit confused. "So I can kiss you. Properly."

"What?" My vision blurred. I can't hear him. Kiss me? Why would he want to kiss me? He's a robot. He shouldn't be able to feel attraction. Does this mean I did it? A robot can feel emotions, because of my design?

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