I've got a headache.

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I've got a headache.


Harry's P.O.V.

"Harry?" Jasmine called.

"Yes, love?" I replied.

"Would you get my jammies for me, please?" she asked, rubbing her temples. "I've got a headache."

"Well, that's what you get for consuming so much sugar in such a short period of time." I chuckled, making my way to the wardrobe. I pulled out a pair of my boxers and a t-shirt, that will likely be too big for her.

"These aren't mine." She said, holding up the boxers after I had handed them to her.

"I know, but you'll look so much better in my clothes." I told her, grinning. She rolled her eyes and got up to go to the bathroom. "I don't suppose you need help getting changed too?"

"Perv." Was her retort.

"Hey, I'm only trying to help!" I told her while she blushed and closed the door to the bathroom. She re-emerged five minutes later with her hair tied up and wearing my clothes. I was right – she looks hot.

"I don't even want to know what you're thinking about." She told me, climbing into bed.

"I'll let you go to sleep." I chuckled. I got up to return to my couch bed for the night.

"Harry?" she asked.

"Yes, love?" I replied.

"Would you stay in the bed with me until I fall asleep?" she asked me.

"Of course." I told her. I just need to remember to get up again. "Goodnight, Jasmine."

"Nighty-night, Harry." She replied, snuggling into me.


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