Chapter 17

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(A/N Okayyy I'm adding to this 3 years later because it really did not suck that bad! Blow this story up or somethinggg /j)

As the sun filtered through Will's curtains, he stretched his back and threw the covers off his bed. He went to the bathroom to get ready for the day, took one look at his hair and hopped in the shower. As he showered, he woke up more and let his mind wander. He couldn't help thinking of the other night's events. Mostly, he couldn't stop thinking about a certain short black haired boy with espresso eyes. All he could think of was how lucky he was that Nico had showed up in his life. Since Ethan, he had felt like he had no one to open up to, and no one to care for him. Even if Nico wouldn't admit it, the stubborn brat, he could tell he cared for Will a little bit, even if it was platonic. At the sleepover, Will had told Nico everything about Ethan, in detail. It was hard for him, he admitted but it felt good to finally talk to someone, someone who knew the pain of losing someone they loved deeply.

Will closed his eyes and pictured Ethan and him having dinner with his family, back when his Dad was in the picture, all laughing. That was when he had truly felt the most light. He missed Ethan everyday, and would never truly move on from him, but he was starting to realize that Ethan ending his own life wasn't his fault. He loved Ethan and it was okay that it wasn't enough. He couldn't change that now. He could only focus on the people in his life who brought him light now. Those people were his friends. Percy, Jason, Piper, Annabeth, Reyna, and everyone else who was in their group of chosen family. Yet another thing he was grateful for.

It was crazy how a very angry, very dark boy who he was pretty sure was a secret ninja, could light him up so much. He spent the rest of the shower thinking about Nico, and the sleepover night. Their lips on eachother. How soft his messy hair was. Yes they were drunk so it didn't really count, but he still cherished the memory. That's when it hit him. Oh. Shit. He. Kissed. Nico. A. Boy. Infront allllll of friends who he was very much not out to. He covered his face with his hands groaning. It was gonna be so awkward at lunch today.

Will finally got out of the shower, and got ready for the school day. He decided on a pair of loose light washed jeans (cuffed at the end ofc ;) and a shirt with a sunflower on the front. He went to unplug his phone from his nightstand, only to find a cascade of messages from his friends. As he read them he started to tear up. All of his friends had texted him letting him know that they supported him unconditionally, whether or not him kissing Nico at the party was just experimenting or if he was gay. At that moment, he felt so loved he thought his heart might burst.

He looked at the clock and saw he really needed to go if he was going to avoid being late. He glanced at Ethans eyepatch, hanging on his bedpost. He took a deep breath, touched it lightly with his lips and let it rest there. He needed to let Ethan rest. With that, he texted his friends back telling them he loved them so much and was so thankful for them. At the end of the message, he sent a smiley face and a rainbow flag, knowing that would answer the questions about his sexuality. He grabbed his bag and headed out the door, eager to see Nico in his first class.

**time skips and stuffs***

As Will and Nico spent the first part of first period together, they just enjoyed each other's company in silence. Will appreciated that about Nico, they could jus sit in content silence, it was peaceful. He glanced over at Nico, who was definitely Mr. Grumpy Pants this morning, a big coffee in front of him. Nico looked over at him, giving him a small smile, then gave a not so small punch in the arm.

"Owwww!" Will exclaimed.

"What was that for??"

Nico just smirked and shrugged.

"Dunno. Good Morning Sunshine."

Will knew he was just joking but the nickname still made his stomach do flip flops.

The lesson was over, but they still had a half hour until the class was over, so the teacher let them loose to do whatever they wanted. Will ripped a piece of paper out of his notebook and drew four lines making a tic tac toe board. He poked the grumpalump next to him and scooched the paper over with a small questioning smile. Nico perked up, grabbing his pen.

"It is so on Blondie." He said with a smirk, making the first move.

"Yeah right, in your freaking dreams" Will responded, flicking him on the forehead playfully.

"Uh huh. Just because you're beautiful, doesn't mean I'm going to let you win Solace." Nico's eyes widened for a moment, before he returned his face back to normal. Will was speechless. Nico thought he was beautiful? Why did that make Will want to jump out of seat and dance like nobody was watching? Platonic Will! Get yourself together! He thought to himself. He regained his composure, fixing his face and resuming the playful banter to the best of his abilities. As the tic tac toe game resumed, Nico won ofcourse. Will couldn't help but think if what was going on between them was really as platonic as he was telling himself.

A/N Okay! So I'm definitely realizing how much I missed writing this, the goal is to get it finished this time lmao. Hope you enjoy!

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