Chapter 5

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As expected, Katsuki visited their home a few days later after the school announced that lzuku would no longer be attending Aldera. lzuku answered the door, and as soon as he saw it was Katsuki, he immediately shut it in the blonde's face before he could speak. Cussing and explosions followed, and this time, lnko answered the door, which made him act like a timid puppy. She, like her son, shut the door on the blonde's face with a deadpan expression after spitting in a venom-filled voice, "Stay away from my son". Katsuki almost wet his pants.

The Midoriyas moved to their new home a week later. lzuku had come up with a plan, and lnko was very supportive of it. He started training by cleaning Dagobah Beach and learning to build support items using the scraps from the beach. He also took courses in quirk analysis and EMT training. She also enrolled him in a nearby dojo and started training with him for self-defense and strengthening her quirk.

Everything was going according to plan, but fate, as usual, loves to play with our dear protagonist. Oh no, there's nothing to worry about. Just a very loud blonde and a very evil Chimera were bored. What could go wrong? Welp, the answer is EVERYTHING.

lzuku's POV:

It's been a while since we moved, and I guess I could say that things are going pretty well. Mom and I have started training together, and I've seen a significant change in her. She's losing the extra weight she put on due to immense stress. I've introduced green tea to my life and flushed out all toxins *cough* Bakugou *cough*. My online schooling is going well, and I'm proud to say that I'm far ahead of the course.

In addition to my middle school education, I've started learning coding, building support items, basic medical care, and martial arts. I'm so proud because I just finished cleaning Dagobah Beach, and it proved to be a good idea because I found some great materials that could be used for making support items.

Coding-well, I guess I'm faring well with it. I'm already past the basics, and I'm happy that I have a good memory. I finished my final coding assignment and leaned back in my seat. My EMT Training had also been going very well, and I had learned quite a lot.

It had been a rather tiring day with all the things I've taken up to learn. It has been a rather tiring day with all the things I've taken up to learn. I plopped down on my bed and fetched my phone. Funny how I totally forgot about it due to hours of work.

The small breaks were dedicated to snacking and banging my head on the desk, so my phone probably felt like I had abandoned it. Poor thing. I pick it up to see tons of notifications. Clearing them is a mess because I don't know which one is important, so I have to read every single one.

There were a lot of messages, but one specific message caught my eye:

XXX-XXX-XX56 has added you to the 'UA Staff Chat'.

A/N: Let's mark the beginning of chaos! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I'll do my best to update frequently, but no promises. See you in the next chapter! ヽ(•‿•)ノ

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