Chapter 3

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*Lily's POV

I've been so nerve wrecked since Ashley's crash. I mean when she left class I thought I would see her again, but I guess not. I've been so alone I've also had communication issues lately or as people say 'you haven't been your self since Ashley.....left' shes not dead!......yet. I've visited her many times just talked to her lifeless body. It's been 4 months and 5 days now I was supposed to go see her again tonight. It the middle of the day 4th period. My cell phone started buzzing in my pocket I silenced it. "Coach I need to go to the restroom" we always called our teacher coach cause he is also our coach he nodded his head and I ran out the room and answered my cell.



Son of a bitch I whispered under my breath


'Hey lil'

'Ash? No way your asleep in your bed at your room in the hospital'

'Lil calm down' I was stunned when over the school intercom I heard "Will Lily Sanders please come down to the office?" I hung up and ran to the office

"Yea?" I turned around and ashley mom was right behind me she had a bright smile on her face. "Mom? Well Ashley's mom? What are you doing here?"

"I need to take you somewhere you will be so shocked, just come with me." I nodded and followed we went out in her car. We were silent for the ride. Until we reached the hospital.

"Um what are we doing here?" She grabbed my hand and took me inside. She went straight to the front desk "Ashley Garcia?"

"Room 314" we went all the way to Ashley's room I opened the door. I didn't see what I expected. Ashley wasn't lying down she was sitting up. Opening presents.

"Oh my god. You called me I thought It was a joke or prank, but no here you are awake." I was dumbfounded I ran right over to her and gave her a hug, and her mother did too. "There is so much we need to catch up on chica. Don't you dare ever go and get hit by a car again! Scared the living shit out of me and I can't live with out you"

"Haha I won't try to. Trust me. They said I get to leave tomorrow the want me to get my edu so I can graduate next year. " I next found myself pushing a button over and over again. When some nurse walked in.

"You do know you only need to press that once right?" I rolled my eyes she just looked like a priss.

"I know"

"What do you need"

"I'm hungry and I'm sure Ash is too. Am I right Ash?" She nodded her head. she seemed very excited to eat. She's always loved food. Like LOVED food.

"You know me too well Lil"

"I know I do, and right now Im predicting you.....have to pee!"

"Omg how did you know!? Haha now take me. I really do have to pee!!! I haven't forever now" Ashley got in her wheel chair and I took her to where ever the hell the restroom was. I was wondering since the day she got hit why she had ran out of her car. She got out of the restroom.



"Why did you run out of your car the day you were hit by that car?"

*Ashley's POV

"Why did you runout of your car they day you were hit by the car?" I turned pale white like as white as a sheet. I finally remember it. The conversation before I ran. My father.....he's dead.

"My d-dad h-he's d-d-dead" I was stuttering. I started crying. My father who I loved with all my heart was shot dead. I still don't even know why.

"What?! Oh my gosh Ash I'm so sorry I didn't know. I shouldn't have even asked." I looked at her and shook my head still sobbing.

"It's not your fault you didn't know Lil....take me to my room and you need to get back to school. I'm sure my mom will let you drive her car." She nodded her head and did as she was told and left I was in the room with my mother. I was silent for a minute before I spoke up. "Why?"

"Why what Ashley?"

"Why was dad killed?"

"Bad neighborhood in London.... Well that's what everyone else is telling me."

"But why did it have to be dad" I started crying again. My mom held me for a while.

"Shhhh honey you will be back to your normal life tomorrow. I've gotta go ill be back tomorrow to pick you up ok?" I nodded she left the room and there I was alone....again I went through my messages 'get well' 'wake up soon' 'kick comas butt' some just made me laugh, but one in general stood out to me

From: Olivia aka. Livi

Hey ash feel better hope to see you soon. I just wanna say something I saw your boyfriend with class whoreio, Simone. I wouldn't say anything to you, but um he was kissing her. I'm sorry. Get better.

I was I don't even know anger boils up inside of me. We are through he should have been there for me! I kept going through messages when I reached one from him.

From: boyfriend <3

Hey ash I know this probably isn't the best way or time but I'm breaking up with you. It's not you it's me we've both changed. Feel better.

I needed to kill someone or something this was it! I'm not gonna cry. I'm stronger than that. The nurse came in cause I was screaming and gave me some medicine next I knew I was out cold.

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