Part 4 | Tattoo Artist

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"So how exactly do you plan to do this?"

You jumped, swearing quietly when you saw Loki standing silently in front of you, staring down at you with a curious gaze.

"You know it's really unnerving to be snuck up on" you answered from where you were sitting cross-legged on the floor in the corner of the library.

He grinned, sinking down elegantly to sit across from you, folding his legs to match yours. "Precisely why I do it."

You laughed quietly. "Sounds about right."

"So how are you planning to tattoo Stark?"

You smirked, holding up a small tattoo gun. "I have my ways."

He held his hand out, looking at the machine with interest. "May I?"

You nodded, passing it to him before turning back to the design you were drawing up. "I'm thinking of doing the writing graffiti style; seems like Nat's thing."


"Art or writing, normally illegal in a public space" you explained. "Normally on a street wall, footpath, etc."

"Why would you deface your own creations?"

"Cause it's cool" you shrugged. "Also it depends. Some people are lame and just write their own name, others do incredible artworks and other use it to try and get a message to the public."

"Strange" he replied, passing the tattoo gun back to you, looking around at the collection of coloured inks that you had spread out. "Multiple colours?"

"I'm planning to tattoo the outline of the words, and if I have enough time I'll colour them in."

"Ambitious" he smirked. "Although there's one hitch."

"Which is?"

"Stark is an irritating little man, one who will definitely not sit still long enough to allow you to do this."

You clicked your fingers, reaching into your bag and pulling out a box of pop tarts and placing them in front of him.

The God raised his eyebrows, looking from you to the box. "Those vile things that my brother enjoys?"

"Exactly! I'm going to use these to bribe him to hold Tony down while I tattoo him" you grinned.

He smirked slightly, giving you a nod. "Good plan."

You gave a small bow. "Why thank you oh God of Mischief."

He chuckled quietly. "May I ask why you're doing this in the library?"

"Because Stark never comes in here" you replied in an obvious tone, Loki letting out another chuckle. "My master plans never fail."

"Me neither."

"What was New York then hm?"

The God watched you suspiciously, deciding you were joking when he saw the grin threatening to escape your mock serious expression.

He smiled slightly as you laughed, rolling his eyes and muttering, "Wasn't my plan."

"Knew it" you mumbled, congratulating yourself.

"Knew what?"

"Um... about New York?"

He just looked at you silently, not willing to share that with you yet.

"Never mind" you dismissed, giving him a smile. "Anyway, want to help?"

He smirked. "Absolutely."


"Time's ticking L/n!" Nat called out when she spotted you, tapping her wrist with a smirk.

"No no- great" you groaned as Tony turned to face you. "Now he's seen me Nat!"

She just shrugged innocently as the billionaire folded his arms smugly.

"Wow, great plan Y/n" he said, looking very satisfied with himself. "I'm terrified."

"Why are you so smug?"

"Cause I paid Nat to tell me if she saw you trying to sneak up on me!"

"And you feel that's a solid defence plan?" you questioned innocently.

His face dropped, the billionaire turning around nervously and walking away from you. "What did you do??"

"I haven't done anything" you insisted.

"Yet" Nat muttered with a smirk.

Tony freaked out for a few more seconds before relaxing slightly, turning back to you. "You're bluffing."

"Am I?"

At that moment Loki appeared behind him, grabbing the man with a smirk. "You forgot to pay me."

"And I paid Nat way more to warn you that I was coming so you'd be distracted" you added, grinning like the Cheshire cat. "I'm always prepared."

Tony shrieked as Loki disappeared, taking him with him in a puff of green magic.

"Thanks Romanoff!" you called, throwing her a wad of cash.

"Where on Earth did you get that much money?!" Steve gaped as Nat grinned, flicking through the hundred dollar bills.

"One of Stark's 'secret' stashes" you answered proudly, saluting him before running out of the room.

You hurried down the halls to one of the many random rooms in the Avengers tower to one that happened to be a tattoo parlour, for some bizarre reason.

Pushing open the door, you were met with the sight of Tony being held down easily by Thor, the God restraining the billionaire with one hand and eating a pop tart with the other.

"Lady Y/n!" he cheered as you stepped inside, waving to you. "Great plan!"

"So this is where you got the tattoo gun" Loki commented, looking around.

"Thank you" you laughed, pulling out your pre-prepared tattoo gun and starting it up. "And yes, on my expedition for one I was helped out by a certain AI."

"The talking ceiling helped you?" Thor gasped as Loki rolled his eyes.

"No no no!" Tony pleaded as you stepped closer, gun ready.

"What did you expect by installing this tattoo parlour?" Loki questioned.

"I was going to tattoo other people!"

"No one would let you do that Stark."

"Friday!" you called out. "Please play my most recently uploaded file!"

"Will do Miss Y/n" she replied. "Playing 'The Marvel Bunch' by the cast of Avengers: Infinity War."

The Marvel Bunch started blasting out of the speakers around through the tower as you began tattooing.


Guess who bought the limited edition Gotg 3 vinyls?? (Spoiler it was me)

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