Secrets and Truths

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The campers were at Jurassic World's sports area, where different sports are played. There's a baseball field, football field, soccer field, tennis court, and more. And currently, one court is being used and it is the basketball court. Both Kendall and Yaz were playing two on two with Kenji and Darius. And unfortunately for the boys, both girls are both athletic and sporty. The rest of the campers were at the sidelines with their animal companions, cheering for Kendall and Yaz, both girls were smoking Darius and Kenji in the court, scoring 9-0. Kenji and Darius were panting in exhaustion. Feeling tired that both Kendall and Yaz show no problem in the game.

"What's wrong? Tired already?" Yaz mocked, spinning the basketball with her fingers with ease.

Both Kenji and Darius panted tiredly, completely out of breath as they were losing to both Kendall and Yaz, who seemed to enjoy this. Brooklynn has this on live stream, her Brooklanders were cheering towards Kendall and Yaz, mostly the female followers, giving them encouraging words to win.

"We...were...just...getting...warmed...up!" Kenji panted out.

Yaz rolled her eyes as she tossed the ball to Kendall, who caught it, "Please, you two didn't last ten minutes when me and Ken were beating you guys to the dust."

"Please! We're just going easy on you!" Kenji exclaims, trying to make sure his pride doesn't falter.

"Kenji, both Yaz and Kendall are smoking us, 9 to 0!" Darius pants out, "There's no way we can beat them!"

"Come on! They're just bunch girls!"

This earned gasps from the said girls, along with Sammy, Brooklynn, Ben, and the kids. Ben quickly covered Bumpy's 'ears', not wanting her to listen to more of this. This seriously offended them, 'cause Kenji just insulted two athletic girls.

"Oh, no he didn't!" Brooklynn exclaims, feeling offended by Kenji's words.

"Oh, yes, he did!" Sammy said with a shock expression.

"Uh-oh." Both Celestia and Val said unison, knowing the consequences that Kenji will face.

Kendall and Yaz gave Kenji their glares, clearly unamused and offended by his words. And both silently agree that he has to pay. The two girls glanced at each other, secretly giving each other silent messages, saying to show no mercy.

"All right, Kon, we'll give you and Darius a head start." Kendall said in a dead serious tone, tossing the ball with great strength that Kenji caught with a grunt when it made contact in his hands to his chest.

Thinking that they have an advantage, Kenji shows them how it was done. "Fine! Watch and learn!"

As Kenji dribbled the ball towards the girl's hoop and was about to take the shot, Yaz came zooming by and stole the ball, yelling out, "Yoink!"

"Hey!" Kenji tries to steal the ball back, but Yaz is too fast and she zooms through the court.

Darius tries to block her. However, the runner tosses the ball above him towards Kendall, who caught it, and runs to the boy's hoop that was unprotected, but Kenji was able to get there and tries to block her. But Kendall was swift as she used him like a ramp. Using his head as she hoisted herself up so high that Kenji fell to the ground while Kendall made the winning score. By doing a slam-dunk and bringing victory to the girls.

Kendall landed on the ground with ease and dusted her hands, "How's that for a bunch of girls?" She questions Kenji, who was still face planted on the floor, while she and Yaz shared a high-five.

"Whoo-hoo!" The girls cheered, happy for the victory while Ben and Hudson applauded them.

Kenji groans as he gets up, regretting challenging these girls. Just then, Roxie and Dave came in with an announcement, "All right, campers, it's time for our final activity for today." Roxie said to them.

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