Happy Ending

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POV: Third person [(Storming day with downpouring rain and winds blowing harder with gloomy and foggy skies filled with dark clouds)]

It had been a while since Esmeralda had left, things were very calm, maybe one or another thief who wanted to rob, deceive or murder Ricardo and the prince, but obviously Robin was there to help, also taking advantage of the fact that Marian she could use her magic a little better since having confidence in herself worked well for her a few times; everything was going quite well, with Robin and Prince John, they had been dating for a long time and they seemed very happy together, which made Ricardo happy, but of course, despite so much happiness, there are also more things that can be felt At this moment, Robin was feeling a lot of fear, fear? The prince of thieves? Yes, exactly, but it wasn't just any kind of fear, it was a great mixture of fear, nerves and emotion, why? what? easy, the prince of thieves wanted to give his beloved a very special gift, but he was completely nervous about his reaction, so he had decided to go to Marian to ask for advice, which he was doing right now:

Robin Hood: "Well, that's what I plan to do......."

Maid Marian and Scarlett: "Awww that's so cute." they said in unison.

Maid Marian: "Surely you will like it!"

Scarlett: "Like it? She's going to love it!"

Maid Marian: "You're right!"

Robin Hood: "Do you think? I'm still not sure about that, what if it goes wrong?"

Maid Marian: "Robin. don't think so negatively."

Scarlett: "Marian is right, Robin, everything will be fine, we're going to help you with everything."

Robin Hood: "Thank you girls!" smiles gently.

Maid Marian: "Then let's start with this....."

In a place not far from there was the beautiful Prince John, who was talking very comfortably with his brother, King Richard:

King Richard: "Hey little brother, I've seen you with that smile since the beginning of this day, well actually, I've seen you with that smile for a long time, what makes you so happy?"

Prince John: "Well, you see, since Esmeralda left and all that happened, Robin and I have become much closer, every time I think of him or I'm with him, I'm very happy and I can't help but put a smile on my face."

King Richard: "Ohh little brother, I'm so happy for you, because that happens because you're in love!, you like Robin and he makes you happy, that also makes me happy, seeing you happy makes my day, I can't believe that already You have grown so much little brother." he said melancholy as he remembered things they did when they were little.

Prince John: "Yes Richard, I know, but don't get sentimental."

King Richard: "You're right little brother." he says smiling, ".... Oh and changing the subject, I've heard somewhere that you and Robin are going out today, is it true?"

Prince John: "Oh yes it's true, Robin invited me to a picnic and I accepted."

King Richard: "Oh how charming." he said tenderly, "... And you, what will you wear?"

Prince John: "Should I bring something?." he said somewhat surprised.

King Richard: "John! Of course, you must bring something! Even if it's a gift for Robin! Haven't you thought of anything?"

Prince John: "Wow, I did not know."

King Richard: "It's your lucky day little brother, I'll help you with that!" he said with a nice smile on his face.

"Is this love?" [Prince John x Robin Hood] - Yaoi/Gay/Boy's Love/SlashWhere stories live. Discover now