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POV: Third person [(Storming day with downpouring rain and winds blowing harder with gloomy and foggy skies filled with dark clouds)]

The orange-haired boy was waking up because he felt like something was moving above him, so when he was opening his eyes little by little, he alerted himself to open them with fright; But when he opened them he could only observe Prince John, who was above him, the only thing that asked him was what was he doing?

Robin Hood: "What are you doing, dear?" he said this, looking at him with a perverted smile.

Prince John: "Uum?, ah!!..no-it's not what you think!!!!!" he said this while his pretty white cheeks turned reddish; I just wanted to get out of bed, that's-that's all.

Robin Hood: "Well... if that was all, why don't you come by your side?" he said this with a tender look.

Prince John: "Erm, it's just that..." he couldn't finish this sentence because the boy with orange hair grabbed the blonde's waist, in order to support him in his crotch.

Prince John: "Aahh ~" he groaned at the action of the orange head since he felt like he had an erection. "..... Ro-robin, aahh ~ .... we still can't do this ... and-and lo- you s-you know."

Robin Hood: "Shhhh~ calm down my prince; I know we shouldn't do "it" yet; but I just want to..."

The one with orange hair couldn't finish because someone had knocked on the bedroom door, causing him to lose concentration; he was going to continue with what he wanted to say to his lover, but apparently, who was on the other side of the door, he was desperate to enter and that caused some anger in him

Robin Hood: "It will be better another time, we must open and see who plays."

Prince John: "Oh, yes!; I'm coming!!"

Prince John set out to open the door, apparently, it was his brother who was knocking.

King Richard: "Good morning little brother, sorry if I woke you up; It is that today I wanted to tell you that Lady Rohesia wants you and Robin to accompany her along with Marian for a walk."

Prince John: "But brother, I need to go see my sheep.."

King Richard: "Don't worry about that anymore, your punishment is over; plus you should spend time with Robin so he goes and has fun."

Prince John: "Okay.."

After this, King Richard withdrew because he had to prepare some things since he had a meeting with a king.

Robin Hood: "What did Richard tell you?"

Prince John: "Only Marian and Lady Rohesia had invited us for a walk..."

Robin Hood: "Oh, that's good; but... do you want to go? I just see something strange about you."

Prince John: "Oh; no, it's nothing... I'm just thinking if you like children..."

Robin Hood: "The... children?; Well, I guess so, they seem cute, playful and very funny to me; although they are also a responsibility and I like that, since I am someone responsible." he said this last with a look of pride towards him. "......well my prince, why do you ask? perhaps... Do you want to have a baby?"

Prince John: "Well, I was just curious; I also think that at some point we should have children, of course, if you want.."

Robin Hood: "Well, I don't see anything wrong with having them in the future, but for the moment let's not think about that, after all, we are still children, I don't think we would be able to take care of even a chicken hahaha..."

"Is this love?" [Prince John x Robin Hood] - Yaoi/Gay/Boy's Love/SlashWhere stories live. Discover now