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➤ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐄𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐀𝐓𝐌𝐎𝐒𝐏𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐒 a familiar and confronting feeling for Kara when every time she closed her eyes. Being so used to it and exposed gave it away.

Trying to keep herself calm as much as she could.

"Again!" Doctor Moore demanded, from outside of the glass room. Kara huffed looking back at Doctor Moore who held a clipboard and held her head high; her red hair curled and at her shoulders. Kara looked back at the charred wood.

Focusing her mind on anything that she could think of other than the many eyes watching her. Breathing in and breathing out; closing her eyes as she did so.

Once she reopened them they were bright red before two red beams shot from her eyes; the heat from them slightly fogged up the glass in the room.

Kara directed her eyes onto the already charred wood, watching as they steamed once more and the room smelled like acrid burning her nose and her throat each time she breathed in.

Although the smell didn't effect as much anymore, she keeps practicing her heat vision. On the contrary she still suffered minor damage.

The burning wood began to smoke and spark; Kara grunted as her energy was slowing down and keeping up her thermal vision began to burn her eyes and face.

Kara didn't think to stop, if she did the guards would just take her away and put her in that room for defiance. The burning wood sparked a small fire igniting the rest of the wood around as it crackled and spread quickly.

Kara stopped her movements, her eyes now turning back to her normal blue as she swayed back and forth a small smile resting on her face at her accomplishment.

As the fire crackled and smoldered; slow clapping took Kara out of her slight daze. As she stood up straight though it pained her to do so.

Doctor Moore stood at the now opened door with two orderly's by her side. She stepped inside peering past Kara at the burned wood as the fire slowly died down until only the result was a scorched finish with a magnificent charcoal black color complimenting the white tiled floor.

Doctor Moore than glanced at Kara taking note of her exhausted expression but nonetheless impressed on how she didn't fall on the ground unconscious already.

Cuffing her hands together behind her back Doctor Moore nodded at Kara, "great job Kara, I am very proud of you. You are getting better and better at this." She complimented motioning her hand out to the burnt wood, the smell still lingering in the air.

"Mr. Edgar would be proud." Doctor Moore murmured as a smirk appeared on her face, but Kara heard it: who's stan? She questioned in her mind.

"Come on, we are going for a little walk, don't you think that'll be good, hmm?" Doctor Moore announced as the two orderly's stepped forward with that statement.

Kara took that sentence that left her mouth as a demand not a question as she walked forward with her wrist up expecting the orderly's to drag her out as they usually do.

Doctor Moore held her hand out for Kara, as Kara looked up and hesitantly grabbed hold of the doctor's hand.

The red headed woman guided the Kara out of the glass room past another group of doctors, as they walked down the narrow hallway filled with guards and different orderly's carrying weird briefcases that read '𝐇𝐀𝐙𝐀𝐑𝐃'.

Tearing her gaze up to the woman that was holding her hand she wanted to ask what that was but thinking back to the many guards around, Kara held her tongue.

They came to a stop in front of two metal doors that were locked, Kara watched as Doctor Moore took her ID bag and placed it in front of a blue screen that lit up green as she did.

The metal doors clank as they slowly open, an ominous feeling washing over Kara as she stares down the blank brightly lit corridor.

Kara looked up at the redhead woman as Doctor Moore smiled down at her, before walking her down the very corridor; just the two of them hand and hand.

Kara looked over at another room with a large window, seeing another kid her age and several doctors as they stood around the kid.

The kid was a girl; having short brunette hair and she looked as if she was in pain. Her mouth opened in a scream, her loud wails making Kara move her gaze away wincing at the volume.

Turning her attention somewhere else she saw another kid with a darker complexion as the kid held up a desk with one hand, and the doctors jotted down on their clipboards barely cracking a smile.

Though she saw the boy smile at his own doing, she matched his expression. Before she yanked forward to another room. Catching a glimpse at the fact they were all the way down the corridor.

Doctor Moore nudged Kara forward so she can get a good view; walking forward toward the window she saw a little boy clamped down in a white chair watching the small television closely as it played a clip of a woman reading the bible.

Inside with him was a woman with short brown curled hair, wearing a classy outfit and short heels. Her red lips curled upward as she looked up at Doctor Moore and her guest.

Kara remembered that video, it was one of the only things they showed her outside of the alphabet.

Realization dawned on her the more she stared, she recognized the room; she's been in it before.

The boy had the feeling of being watched fell on him and his blue eyes fell immediately to Kara, ignoring the tall red head next to her.

His gaze pierced through hers, Kara stared back at this unnamed boy, her gaze never leaving his.

She felt this sort of connection towards him, she wanted to know more about him. Breaking eye contact with the strange boy Kara glanced up at Doctor Moore.

"Who is that?" She asked, pointing at the boy on the other side of the glass who couldn't take his eyes off of her.

Doctor Moore smiled as she glanced at the boy, "His name is John, you two will be getting to know each other very soon." She smiled as she tightened her hold on Kara.

Kara furrowed her eyebrows together not understanding her words that much other than his name. John, the boy that was taking in her features very closely.

Turning her eyes back to the boy, catching his eyes once more she realized they had the same blue in him as she does with her own.

Taking this as a moment to small and wave at him with her free hand, the boy quirked up at that and a huge grin stretched across his face at Kara's gesture.

Hopefully, he will be her friend.


𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘,      ❪ HOMELANDER ❫ Where stories live. Discover now