No one can love you like I do

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Ripley's POV:

I woke up in Eddie's bed again, but this time Eddie had his arms wrapped around me and was spooning me. Last night had been amazing. After we confessed we went to Benny's burgers and got milkshakes. We laughed and talked and it had felt like we were kids again, except this time it was better. He held my hand, kissed me on the cheek and the lips, and we drank from the straw like some rom-com. I was so happy and he looked happier than I had seen him in months. 

I rolled over to look at Eddie but he was already looking at me. 

"Hi." He said with a huge smile on his face 

"Were you watching me?" I asked with a grin on my face just as big as his.

"I was, is that okay?"

"Mm, well I don't know that depends, why were you watching me?"

"Because your beautiful." 

"Well then, I approve." I said kissing him on the nose and attempting to get out of bed. 

"Mm noooo." He said dragged out as he pulled me back towards him.

"Eds, Robin is probably worried sick, and Dustin too!"

"Fine, but you owe me an extra hour of sleep." 

"Okay." I said as I got out of bed and started to get dressed. 

Me and Eddie both got ready together and finally realized it was Sunday and we had no school. We both got undressed and got into more comfy clothes then headed to my house. When we pulled up Steve's car was in the drive way. We walked in the house and were surprised to see Dustin, Steve, and Robin watching movies. 

"Hey Ri!" Dustin said as he ran up and hugged me. 

"Hey dude! Woah, I think your breaking my rib cage." I said very out of breath.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Robin asked as Steve pointed at her as to say "What she said."

"Sorry! We've been hanging out." I said pointing between me and Eddie.

"Well a warning would have been nice! Me and Steve have been staying here since the day after prom waiting for you to come home!" Robin said walking over and hugging me. 

"Next time we will give you one. I promise." I said hugging her back firmly. 

"Eddie, I need to talk to you." Dustin said as Eddie looked over at me with a nervous look. I mouthed "It's fine" at him behind Robin's back as we were still hugging. 

Dustin took Eddie into the other room and I wondered what Dustin wanted. 

Eddie's POV:

As Dustin took me into the room and shut the door and looked at me just like Steve does when he's mad at me. 

"I just have a question." He said


"Are you and my sister dating?"

"I think so."

"Then I have rules, go grab Ripley please." He said as he sat in his mom's rolling chair at his mom's desk.


I walked into the living room and saw Steve hugging Ripley and gave me chills, not the good ones either.

"Ripley, Dustin wants to talk to us. We'll be right back."

"Okay!" Ripley said as she escaped Steve's grasp and walked over to me. 

We walked into the room and the white board that was filled with notes had the word RULES written on it in big letters. We sat in the two chairs that were pulled to the middle of the room.

"Okay, so, if you and Eddie are dating I need to set ground rules as mom can not due to how much she works." he said pointing to the board. "Rule one, if your staying the night at either house you call and tell me or Robin or Steve. It's important we know where you are and that you are safe. Rule two, no PDA while i'm around please, and if you do keep it at a minimum. Rule three, be safe, you know what I mean, and rule four, please don't hurt each other, it will hurt us all." As he finished his sentence I thought of how grown up he is for his age and how I am so glad Ripley has him, that I have him. He walked over and hugged us and Ripley started crying.

As we walked out of the room Robin thought Ripley was sad but Ripley made sure to reassure her she wasn't by laughing as loud as she could at the fact that Dustin had ran over to Steve and said "HELP I'M BECOMING LIKE YOU, A MOM!"

The night went on smoothly. We all sat down ate the pizza that Dustin ordered and watched movies. No one has ever made me feel as safe as these people do and I'm so thankful for them all. 

AN: I'm so sorry for the late post! I'm very ill right now and haven't had the time to post! Thank you all for the support! New post should be out in the next two days, promise!

My type (OC x Eddie Munson story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt