16. Search

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The Pevensies and Diana's family had gathered again, Peter having caught the animal they had been hunting. "You had a head start!" Edmund complained when Peter was boasting. "You were right next to me when I shot it! And you missed." Peter teased back. They playfully shoved at each other until Susan stepped in and stopped them. "Alright that's enough you two, we have guests."

Peter let go of Edmund's arm and cleared his throat. "Excuse our improper behavior, you know how siblings are." He said to the visitors who laughed with him.

"Where's Dina?" Lucy asked when the laughter had died down. "What are you talking about, she's right..." Edmund looked behind him where Diana had been at the start of their hunt, but stopped himself from finishing his sentence when he did not see her.

Edmund's heart sank into his stomach, and he could feel a knot tie around it. "Dina?" He said at first calmly thinking she had just fallen behind and would catch up to them any second now. When she did not, he started to panic. He then started to shout her name growing more and more anxious, to the point where he was not thinking clearly. He set off in the direction they had come from.

"Ed! You shouldn't go off on your own!" Susan shouted, but he wasn't listening. "He can handle himself Susan, but Dina can't." Peter said putting a reassuring hand on his sisters shoulder. "We should keep looking, fan out and retrace our steps, hopefully she just fell behind a little." He then announced for everyone to hear.

Edmund was racing through the woods. "I don't understand, she was right behind me... It's all my fault, what if something has happened to her..." he was mumbling. "Your highness, pull yourself together, you won't be of any help to her in this state." Philip, Edmund's horse spoke back between breaths while he was running as fast as he could.

"Over there! I see something." Edmund suddenly snapped out of his thoughts. Philip slowed and as they came closer they could see that it was a horse. "Oh thank Aslan, it's Dina's horse." Edmund breathed a sigh of relief. Philip twitched. "Your highness I don't have a good feeling about this." He said as they noticed that the horse was alone.

Edmund got down from Philip and walked slowly toward the horse. It seemed very fidgety and flinched when Edmund reached out to take the reins. He calmed the horse, petting its nose, and whispering to it. "She's not here..." Edmund stated, once again feeling the panic rise in him.

"Ed! Where are you?" Peter's voice was heard ringing through the forest. "Over here! I've found her horse!" The others quickly showed up dismounting their horses to take a closer look at the scene. "She's not here." Edmund said feeling a lump in his throat but refusing to cry in front of the guests.

"Well that is rather unfortunate." Said Diana's father, his voice void of any emotion. Edmund felt a rage replacing the feeling of fret. He shot daggers with his eyes at the king, though without him noticing it.

"We have to keep looking!" Lucy said once again mounting her horse. "Wait, look at this." Susan said pointing at the ground. "This is not just hoof prints from one horse, there were at least five horses surrounding her. And there look, its marks from a wagon." Edmund's heart sank at the realization of what Susan was saying. "She's been kidnapped." Peter stated what they were all thinking but were too scared to say out loud.

"No... no no no no no! It's all my fault, I was supposed to stay with her, I abandoned her... And now I can't even... I was supposed to... I had it all planned out. I was gonna propose to her at the picnic later." Edmund felt tears welling up in his eyes, and he felt the lump in his throat grow. Philip walked over to him rubbing his head against his shoulder to comfort him.

"If we hurry we might catch them while their trail is still fresh." Peter said determination evident in his voice as he mounted his horse. Edmund and Susan followed his example.

"I am terribly sorry your highness, but I am afraid there is nothing we can do to help her now. As to our agreement, I have other daughters that would be willing to take her place..." Diana's father started, but Peter would not listen. "Your highness, I think it would be best if you went back to Cair Paravel, just to make sure that you will be safe, we will look for your daughter.

The king did not have time to answer before the Pevensies all took off in the direction of the hoof prints.

Diana woke up with a banging headache. She tried to sit up but quickly realized her hands were tied together and she was in a moving wagon that was shaking as if it was driving over uneven ground. With some struggling she finally managed to sit up against the side of the wagon.

She was the only one in there, but it looked like it had carried many unwilling passengers. There were scratch marks in the wood, and chains hanging from the sides, one of them chained to her feet.

"HELP!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, but all she got in return was laughter and someone slamming against the outside of the wagon telling her that it was no use so she should stay quiet.

She felt tears well up in her eyes and stream down her cheeks. "Ed... please." She whispered. Laying back down on her side she curled in on herself suppressing her sobs.

She must have dozed off for a bit, because she was woken up when the carriage had stopped, and someone was shouting. "Wake up sleepy, its dinnertime." He said throwing in a piece of bread and placed a cup with water next to her.

When Diana turned her face away from it, the man laughed. "Your choice. Though if I was you I would eat it. You never know when you might get something again." "You'll never get away with this! The kings and queens of Narnia are coming to rescue me." She snarled back at him. He laughed again. "What makes you think that? What are you to them? You're not even engaged yet which was the whole purpose of you being there."

Diana froze. No one outside the royal palace knew that. "Who are you?" She asked trying not to sound scared. "Oh we're not anyone in particular, we've just been hired to take care of you. Though we were supposed to kill you, but we figured if you weren't going to be missed, we might as well get a little more out of you and sell you on the market."

"Who... who hired you?" Diana asked fearing she already knew the answer. She had failed the one thing she was there for, and he had lost his patience with her, deeming her useless and discarding her. The man smiled a wicked grin showing his crooked teeth. "Judging by the look on your face, I think you already know."

He slammed the door again leaving Diana to drown in her sorrows.

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