chapter three

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I had been staying at Scott's apartment for about 2 weeks now, and I felt comfortable here. I felt comfortable here with him. I was clean for 3 weeks for almost a month now. I was proud of myself and him.

I had noticed most of the time at late times at night or almost all night. Scott would stay awake  either watching tv or making music. Sometimes, during the week, a guy would show up and would  give him something while he gave him something, I'm assuming money in return. He would go back to his room and I wouldn't see him till the next morning. Sometimes, he would leave for a while. I assumed to run or clear his head, I'm not sure.

I woke up at 6:45, got up, and went to the kitchen. I made myself a smoothie for breakfast and walked to scotts' room to see if you wanted anything for breakfast. His door was slightly open, so I just pushed it open and looked inside. I saw on his desk that what I'm assuming was a bag of cocaine and some needles along with a few pills. I started thinking 1000 thoughts running through my mind.

" Oh, Scott, I hope you're just gonna throw that stuff away and not use it again." I whispered to myself. I heard the shower turn off and closed your door back to how you had it and walked back into the kitchen.

He walked into his room and came back out a minute or two later with a grey t shirt and black sweatpants on. I glanced at him awkwardly before speaking.

" smoothie- I uh meant do you want a smotthie?" I stuttered.

" No thanks, I'm alright. Are you alright?" He chuckled, getting a drink from the fridge.

" Yeah, I'm fine." I said, deciding to take my mind off of what I saw in his room by going to watch TV and then head to the apartments gym.

" ok, well, I'll be in my room working, so if you need something, I'll be in there." He said, walking by and leaning down to kiss the top of my head before walking to his room and closing the door.

It took me by suprise, but it was nice, and it gave me butterflies and this warm, fuzzy feeling in my chest. After finishing my breakfast, I went and worked out for a while before coming back to the apartment to take a shower and get ready for another NA meeting.

After I got dressed, I checked the time and wanted to check if Scott was ready to go. I softly knocked on his door but got no answer, so I cracked the door slightly and peaked in to see him asleep on his bed  in just his basketball shorts.

I walked in and stood next to him.

" Scott? You gotta get up, we gotta go. " I softly touched his shoulder, trying to wake him. He quietly groaned  and reached his hand up and held onto the back of my thigh, pulling me closer to the bed. I slowly ran my fingers over his tattooed back, whispering his name again. This time, he woke up and quickly pulled me onto his lap, holding on to me.

" Don't you know not to wake a man while he's napping?" He chuckled.

" Well, we gotta go to the meeting, so let's get up mr arceneaux" I replied, taking my hands off his chest. My entire body felt like it was floating his hand on my hip, and the other on my thigh just felt right. I pulled myself away from my thoughts and looked at him.

" Let's go, or we're gonna be late." I smiled, getting up and climbing off of him. The way his hand stayed on my waist and snaked around it as I pulled away sent shivers up my spine. As I walked out of the room. He stood up to grab clothes while I sat on the couch, wondering what the hell just happened. I had never felt that before with someone. It's probably nothing.


" okay everyone why don't we all go around and share some stuff on what you think might have pushed you to drugs?" Martha days crossing her legs." Nova, why don't you go first?".

" Well I'd say it was probably my childhood I had, and my brother passing that I just kinda felt like I had nothing else to turn to that would distract myself from that so drugs is what I turned too."

" What about you, scott?" Martha looks over to him.

" uhm, I could say it was where I grew up. I had a rough upbringing. But I didn't really get into drugs until about 16 or 17. Someone had given me a vicodin, and I just kinda got into more from there." I  look over at Scott taking a note that he is looking down at his shoes his fingers are interlocked, and he seems to have gotten lost in what he was saying after he was done speaking.

I know there's more to the story he's not saying in front of all these people. He doesn't trust them his walls are up. He really doesn't like talking about his past. He never really has.


The entire car ride home with Scott wad mostly quiet, his walls have been up since he talked about his past. Even on the walk up to the apartment. Silence. As we walked inside, he instantly went into his room closed and locked the door. I sighed, knowing his walls were hard to knock down  I just didn't want him to lock himself up and fall back into bad habits. That's if he hasn't already.

I decided to cook a quick dinner for Scott and I. It kept my mind off everything, Dylan, if he was searching for me still, drugs, and all of my other thoughts. I softly knock on his door and hear him get up from his chair in front of the computer. He opens the door, and I look up at him his eyes are red from crying, it looks like.

" Hey scotty, I made you some food." I said softly using the nickname I used to use for him when I was trying to be particularly gentle with him.

" Wow, that's a name I'm happy to hear for once in a long, long time." He smiles a little and comes to eat dinner with me in the living room while watching a TV show.

He helps me clean up the kitchen, and then we say our good nights before going to our separate bedrooms around 9 o clock.

That was until around 12:45, when I woke up to light peaking through the crack of my door. I saw Scott peaking in whispering my name.

" Nova?" He walks in next to my bed as I sit up.

" What's up, scotty? why you up so late?" I ask, pulling my covers off myself.

" I uhm I'm really having trouble sleeping and was wondering if you wanted to hang out wit me in my room?"

" yeah of course" I smiled sleepily taking his hand and walking to his room.

I walk up to his bed and lift the covers crawling under as he gets under the covers next to me. I smile and scoot up closer to him.

" what's on your mind scotty?"

" the things I did when I was younger." He sighs looking up at the ceiling.

" what about what you did is bothering you?" I say reaching slowly for his hand but decide against it.

" I used to rob people for money. How bad I treated some of my closest friends and family because I didn't want help for my drug problems and other problems." He reaches for my hand and holds it in his.

I blush at his action as the same warm fuzzy feeling and the shock up my spine returns. After about an hour of talking with Scott I can tell he's slowly starting to fall asleep. I role over on to my side with my back facing him and close my eyes the bed shifts as scot wrappes his arms around my waist and pulls me close to him. I feel the butterflies in my chest and stomach go crazy. We fall asleep that way.

This is the best moment of my life.
Sorry for not posting for so long I had a little writers block and got busy thanks for reading I'll try to update a little more frequently.

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