chapter two

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Nova wakes up to her alarm going off, and the tv is still on with the low volume. She turns off her alarm and gets up, opening up the curtains as she looks over the view of the sky scrapers of California. She moved here with Danyl a while ago and kinda had no other choice but to stay.

She stretches and gets her gym clothes on since the hotel has a gym she figured she might as well go, and it will help her get healthier and keep her mind off of her addictions. She started running on the treadmill for a while  before stretching all her muscles and then moved to do some yoga and breathing exercises.

It actually ended up helping her a lot. She repeated that workout cycle for a few more hours until it got to 5:30, so she decided to go back to her room to get ready. She texted Scott to ask where they were meeting before getting in the shower and cleaning up.

Nova does her hair and make-up, again trying to hide the busted lip as best as she can. She sighs as she goes through her bag to get some clothes and finds her pill bottle of a bunch of different pills she decides to just put them in the drawer and forget about them and fight the urge to take a few.

She hears her phone ding with a text message and sees the name of the place Scott wants to meet. She smiles to herself and gets her shoes on grabbing her keys and heading down to her car.

She parks in the parking lot of a smaller secluded bar and grabs her phone and her purse before walking in and seeing Scott sitting at a small back corner stool table. She smiles as she walks up, and they give each other a hug.

" Hey! It's good seeing you again." Scott smiles, sitting back on the stool. " Even though I just saw you yesterday," he laughes.

" It's good to see you again, too," Nova smiles." So what have you been up to, and what brings you out here?"

" Well, uhm, me and my cousin aristos  or ruby you remember him I think?. Well we make music together now which has been taking off lately but I'm out here cause of obviously rehab and stuff but also music stuff" he says fidgeting with his fingers.

" Oh yeah, of course I remember him, and that's so great for you guys. You both always had a talent for music." She smiles, taking a sip of her drink." And of course, I'm glad you're getting sober and doing good."

" yeah definitely I'm also glad you're getting clean and trying to get to the best of yourself." He smiles.

They talk for a while and have a couple of drinks. When scott notices the cut and slight brusing on novas lip.

" What happened to your lip?" Scott questions curiosity and slight worry lacing his tone.

" Oh, well, I guess I should tell you what brought me here." she let's out an airy laugh. " I met a guy in New Orleans who seemed nice for the first few months, he got me to move with him to here in Cali then he showed his true colors, yelling, hitting and worst of all feeding my addictions making them worse so this" she points to her lip. " is from Danyl."

" what the fuck are you serious?" He asks sitting up straighter. " You know I have an apartment here, and if you ever need anything, just show up or call me, and I'll be there."

" Thank you, Scott. I really appreciate that." She smiles, taking his slightly shaking hand in hers.

They talk for a few more hours and a few more drinks before getting up to leave.

" Hey Nova, I don't think you should drive to the hotel by yourself tonight," sott states, looking at her.

" Like, you wanna ride with me back?" She asks, opening the door.

" If you're ok with that just so i know you get home safe?" He looks up at her, putting his hand in his pocket.

" Yeah, that's totally fine. Thank you, Scott. " she smiles as he gets in as she starts driving to the hotel.

He gets out and walks to her side to open the door for her. " Thank you," she blushed, walking with him into the hotel and going up to her room with him. She hugs him and kisses his cheek. " goodnight Scott I had a really good time." Nova smiles, walking into her room after he says goodnight and walks away.

She sighs, laying back on her bed. She's always liked Scott, but she never really knew if he liked her. It all feels so weird not having seen him for so long, and now seeing him again and talking, it's all just weird but a good weird.

She gets ready for bed and lays down slowly, falling asleep with Scott once again on her mind.


Nova sits in her hotel room two weeks later cleaning up a few things thinking about how her and Scott have been hanging out lately but how he's acted slightly strange and hasn't showed up to the past few NA meetings. She wanted to ask why but didn't want to get into his business.

She sighs, sitting on her bed when her phone goes off with a text message notification. She looks down at it, and her heart sinks to her stomach. It's Danyl.

Danyl:What you think? I'm stupid and don't know how to check what credit card you used to check into the hotel. You're at Nova?.

Nova instantly starts to panic, not knowing what to do. She's definitely not gonna reply, but he knows where she is now she can't go anywhere else.

She takes a deep breath and calls Scott, who picks up after two rings.

"Hey, shawty, what's up?" He ask sounding out of breath.

" Hey, so kind of an emergency. Danyl found out where I am, and I don't feel safe here anymore, and I don't want to bother you, but can I go to your place for a night or two just till I find another hotel" she asks trying to take deep breaths.

" Yes, that's perfectly fine. I'm on my way. I'll help you grab your stuff. Just keep the door locked. I'll let you know when I'm there, "

She hangs up and grabs all of her stuff, including her pill bottle. She waits till she hears a knock on the door.

" It's scott!" he says.

She opens the door and hugs him tightly. He hugs her, rubbing her back to calm her down.

" Don't worry, I'm here." He holds her hand and walks with her down to her car and puts all her stuff inside.

" Thank you for this scott" she sits in the passenger seat while he gets in the driver's seat and goes to his house.

" Oh no problem, baby," he smiles.

" why are you so out of breath?" She looks at him.

" I was running when you called me, so I just ran to the hotel."

" Oh I didn't even think about running around the city"

" Yeah, I started doing it cause there's so many things to keep my mind off using," he parks at his apartment and gets out to open her door.

She smiles and goes to grab her bags before he stops her and takes the bags himself. And walks with her up to his apartment.

Scott shows Nova around the apartment. He stops at two doors in the hallway.

" so this is the guest room you can stay in here. And this is my room it's always open if you need anything, just come in." He smiles, setting her bags on the bed. " Well, I'll let you get settled. I'm gonna take a shower,"

She smiles and hugs him. " Thank you for this scott."

" No problem, shawty." He smiles and goes in the bathroom.

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