Chapter 21: Histories

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Tommy's POV

Anybody could realize something was up with my family. The fact that they distanced themselves, were ruder to me, and excluded me from shit made me suspicious as hell. Not to mention they never reverted their eyes back. Even Phil considering that he never had his eyes red unless he was having issues with voices. 

I finally decided to head downstairs to get some breakfast. I head to the kitchen and Wilbur, Techno, and Phil look at me. I look at the plates filled with pancakes and raise my brow.

"Where are my pancakes?"

Phil rolls his eyes and scoffs, "Maybe you should have been down here sooner."

"Cereal it is then." I mumble to myself.

I grab cereal from the cupboard and milk from the fridge. I put in my cereal and milk and grab a spoon so I can mindlessly eat it. 

"Can you chew any louder?" Wilbur comments.

"Oh fuck off Wilbur." I hiss.

That comment wasn't in a joking matter though, "You are so annoying Tommy! I question how you are even my brother!" I drop my spoon.

"I am suddenly not hungry anymore. I am going to be late, I am heading to Quackity's before I go to work."


The silence was a shitty thing. Not even an 'okay' or 'thank you for telling me'. Nothing. I grab my pin from my room and throw on some clothes before I walk to Quackity's.

I arrive with no greeting which is weird considering Slime always makes sure to rush over to greet me. I head to the office building and click the floor where his office was.

It was different though. There was one of his fiancés, Karl I believe his name was guarding the door.

"Hey Karl! Can I talk to Quackity?"

He hesitated, "Quackity prefers to be alone right now I don't think that is-"

"Tommy?" Quackity opens the door.

My eyes widened. Quackity looked like shit. Huge bags under his eyes that emphasized the red and puffiness of his eyes from what I could only presume was crying. The tears stained his face as his hair was clearly disheveled even though his beanie was covering most of it. His tie was barely on and his button down was wrinkly. His collar wasn't proper, his suspenders weren't fully on as one side was hanging off. He reeked of boozes and drugs to the point where I had to stop myself from gagging.

"Big Q... What happened?" I ask, still flabbergasted of the state the notorious businessman was in.

"Come in Tommy-"

"Quackity are you sure this is a good idea? You aren't well..." Karl asked, frowning at his husband.

"Yes, You can come in with me Karl."

"Fine," he sighed.

We headed inside. Bottles laid on the tables and packs of emptied cigars and cigarettes were scattered around.

Quackity sat in his chair, "What do you need Innit?"

"I need all your information on Schlatt."

Quackity's POV

"I need all your information on Schlatt."

Nonononono. I thought he was out of my life. I need him out!

Warning: Mentions of Sex/R@pe (still SFW (learned that abbreviation today))

"Welcome to Las Nevadas! Enjoy your stay!" I cheerfully said at an old couple. 

I headed down the paths to the bar, might as well get a free drink considering I am the owner.

Suddenly, I fall to the floor, but before impact somebody grabbed me.

"Watch where you are going Sugarcakes!" The guy grinned.

"Sorry, just a lot on my mind-"

"What's your name?" He interrupts.


"Oh so you are the owner of this fine establishment! I'm Schlatt."

"As in the villain?"

He smirks, "I like to call it a mastermind."

"Want a drink?" I blurt out. Might as well try and get some information on him.

"How can I deny!"

We headed into the bar. Talking turned into laughing and laughing turned into heading to my place as we were both heavily intoxicated. I barely remember, but he mentioned having a kid. I had no fucking clue what he looked like, but he described him as a powerless disappointment. The night got crazier as he started taking my clothes off.

"Aren't we going to fast?" I question as I slur out my words.

"Just think of it as a hookup Sugarcakes..." Schlatt pouted, "Don't you want to know what it is like to hook up with the biggest villain?"

"...maybe..." Schlatt didn't even wait for a definite answer as he started taking both of our clothes off.

"Babe!" Karl yells as he grabs my shoulder. I notice how heavy my breathing was. Tommy just looked in sorrow.


Tommy I will tell you what you need to know."

Karl's POV

It pained to see my husband have a panic attack, but I couldn't alter the future. Tommy needs to know. Between the fact that my husband was brutally traumatized by the man that killed his best man Slime and the fact that my other husband was in control and was missing since the day before the murder.

It angered me, but I had to respect time's wishes even if they were total bullshit. Tommy was slowly putting the pieces together though. 

Tommy left with all the information in his hands. Quackity was a little teary but he did fairly well.

I grab my journal from my bag I took with me and started writing in it.

Quackity tries to look over my shoulder, "What are you writing?"

"Just some information."

"Can I see?"

"No babe," Quackity rolls his eyes.

"Why do write like you're running out of time?"

"We are all running out of time Quackity."

"That's depressing," Quackity huffed.

I sigh as I look at the date. Today is the day.

"Well I hope time is on Tommy's side."


Oh yeah starting my schedule! This is the end of the chapter. New chapter of this coming Friday! Tomorrow a new chapter of Masked Society is coming out! Join my Discord server if you haven't for updates on all my stories! I hope you enjoyed. Have a great day!

Word Count: 961

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