Chapter 12: Ice Water and Figures

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Tommy's POV

Y҉o҉u҉ ҉l҉o҉s҉t҉ ҉t҉h҉e҉m҉.҉ ҉

"Tommy." muffled in the background.

Y҉o҉u҉ ҉w҉i҉l҉l҉ ҉l҉o҉s҉e҉ ҉e҉v҉e҉r҉y҉b҉o҉d҉y҉ ҉s҉o҉o҉n҉.҉ ҉



"Tommy!" Wilbur yelled. 

My head whipped around and I stared at the big frown on his face. I was sitting on the kitchen floor as there was a little blood on my nails from digging them into my head.


Wilbur sighed as he got a cup of ice water, "Here. This will help a little. What's got your voices so aggravated?" Wilbur asks as he handed me the cup.

I took a sip of the water and it instantly made me fell better once it hit my mouth. I drank the whole cup and became sad when the cup of water was empty except for the ice clinking in the glass.

"Can I have another cup please?"

"Only if you answer my question."

I hesitate, "W-well George and Sapnap got taken by Dream."

"Shit. We should tell Phil-"



"Yeah we can't. It would put George and Sapnap in danger. Most of the public still hates them and would give any chance to track them down and arrest them."

Wilbur sighed, "That's a good point. Geez. I'm supposed to be older and wiser but you always have the better ideas! I can't keep up with WingedInnit!"

"That's right bitch! WingedInnit is unstop-" 

I look out the window and blink a few times. The figure quickly disappears. I touch Wilbur to quickly take his powers and phase through the wall. I look around and see the figure running into the forest behind the house. I chase after him, taking every chance I get to phase through things that will help me catch up to him. I eventually tackle the guy to the ground and get a good look at him.

"Who the fuck are you!" I scream.

"A mercenary Tommy. And trust me, we will see each other very soon..." The man grinned.

The man tapped his necklace before completely disappearing into thin air. That necklace somewhat reminded me of a bigger version of Ranboo's necklace. 

"Tommy what the hell!" Wilbur yells as he runs towards me.

"I'm sorry Wilbur. I think somebody was watching us..."

Wilbur sighs, "Let's just-Let's just go back inside. How about I play the guitar for you?"

"Fuck yeah! Whoever gets there first gets to pick the songs you play!"


We started sprinting home without a worry in the world.  I sadly didn't beat the lanky motherfucker home, but he at least played good songs along with his newest one Soft Boy.

I fall asleep with my head on Wilbur's lap. Wilbur stops his song to start playing with my hair. 

Little did I know I wouldn't have many more moments like these.

??? POV

"So you know that this guy is BigInnit?" The masked man asked as he looked at the picture of Tommy with disgust.

"Yes! They phased through a fucking wall with Siren's powers!" I exclaim.

"Perfect... Oh BigInnit... You won't know what's coming."

Dream hung up Tommy's picture on the board with all the other pictures of WingedInnit. Dream smiled at his work and looked at me.

"You're dismissed for now. I will contact you in the future about my plans." I nod and leave.

Almost feeling bad for what I have done.


End of this chapter! Hope you enjoyed! Don't worry this book will NOT be discontinued! Have a great day!

Word Count: 540

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