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Mingyu walked downstairs after getting ready for uni. To his surprise, YN was still there. He looked at her.
"Do you have time?" She asked, her voice wasn't cold. It was more like... sad, broken.
"Eat with me? If you don't have anywhere else to be."
"I'll eat."
He sat down, she set the table. It was his favorite, Pork belly. They ate in silence, they both were broken but neither wanted the other person to know.
"I can't do this. I've to be somewhere." Mingyu got up and went towards the door.
"When will you be back?"
"I don't know." She sat there watching him walk away.
She wants to run to him, hug him. She wants to tell him how much she loves him. She wants him to know, that another person is growing inside of her. But she can't. He is not hers. He was her sugar baby, nothing more. Even the baby inside of her was her fault for being careless. But she can't kill the little life in her. She will love it no matter what. It's his', At least a part of him will always be with her.

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