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She slammed the door behind her. Finally letting her tears flow down. The pain and the agony she was feeling all along. Crying to her heart's content.
"I'm bored" She had to say that. She didn't mean that, not even a little. She wanted to run to him and cry in his arms. She wanted to argue with him for doing this to her. But she can't, he isn't hers.
She could hear his cries. She could feel him crying. She, for a second, thought that she had broken his heart. No, it's the other way around. But she can't accept that. She wants to go down, wrap her arms around him, and protect him how she used to. But no it isn't her place to do that.
She drowned herself in the pain, that's all she could do. Cry just cry. Cry her heart out. Letting it all out. He was never hers, he isn't meant to be. He was just another character. He was never meant for her. She was his opportunity. When she was hoping to finally start something with him, it crumbled down right in front of her.

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