First Sight

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I've always wondered what happens after death.

Is there blackness? Are there pearly white gates? Do you open your eyes and become someone completely new? Because dead is exactly what I'm going to be if Noah doesn't shut up.

"So, you're a sophmore?" Noah asks. I sigh. This is all my mothers fault. The overbearing control freak named Cordelia has driven my soft spoken father away. I twirl my red curly locks. My cousin Noah is a deputy in the Beacon Hills sheriff department. He practically knows nothing about me, and yet now I have to stay with him and his estranged girlfriend, Claudia. I know nothing about this town, except for the mysteriously high count of animal attacks.

California is supposed to be a sunny state or whatever. Not my thing. I miss my home town, Atlanta. Beacon Hills is surrounded by trees. I wonder what kind of things lurk in there for the yearly animal attacks. We drive past Beacon Hills High. I pause to look at it. The parking lot is deserted save for a small Toyota. Probably the janitor. The school is known for its all-star lacrosse team, or so Noah told me. Personally, I've never even heard of it.

Of course Noah doesn't even know my birthday. I don't know his either. Hell, I'd never know we were related if it weren't for his last name. Apparently my mom and her brother had a big blowup when they were young, and just lost touch over the years. He died a few years back, I didn't know him. Of course, Noah's older than me, by 6 years. He's 22, while I'm only 16. I'm not sure why mom thought this was a good idea to be honest.

Oh well. It's not like I have a choice. "Yeah Noah. I'm a sophomore." He smiles awkwardly. "Cool,cool." He doesn't say anything else. My cousin does not look like me. He has blue eyes, and dirty blonde hair. I don't know how my uncle and my mom were siblings. We do have the same blue eyes, but with fiery red hair. Whatever. Guess I'll have to get to know him.

He pulls up to a small one-story house. I get out the car and open the back seat door. I've brought two suitcases with me, to try and bring as many belongings as I could. I walk up to the door and wait for Noah to let me in. He fumbles with his keys, eventually straightening up. He unlocks his door and leads me in. The living room is small, with a single couch and recliner. It also has a small rectangular coffee table. A woman rounds the corner, a huge smile on her face.

She has brown hair and brown eyes. She hugs Noah as he walks toward her. "Claudia, this is Regina, my cousin." Ah. The girlfriend. I smile politely. "Its so nice to have a girl in the house." She exclaims, walking me to my room. It's bare, except for a queen bed in the corner with dark blue blankets. It has an outrageous amount of pillows. On the wall by the door, I have my very own TV, hanging on the wall. As I glance at my bed, I see there's also a small desk against the wall left to it.

"I hope you'll like Beacon Hills. It's relatively quiet around here, except during the night." The smile slips off her face, replaced with a tight line. "Regina? Be careful. Strange things happen in the night here. Especially on the full moon. That's when the wolves come out." She pauses, her eyes grim. Then it's gone, and she's cheerfully smiling again. Claudia turns away, walking out. I frown. "Wait! I thought there were no wolves in California?!" No answer. I sigh. This place gets weirder every second.

I look around my room, and eventually plop down on my bed. I'll have to drive to school tomorrow, but my car didn't go along with me. I have no idea how I'll get to school. Taking out my new schedule, I turn it over. There'a 5 blocks, and I have 2nd lunch. It's also accompanied by English 1, Algebra, Human Biology, and government. And physical exercise. Ugh. I've never been good at sports. It's been a long week. I begin to snore lightly, as I fall asleep for the first time in the town of Beacon Hills.


I wake up to my alarm going off. I groan, swatting my hand out to hit the snooze. The clock read 7:30. "Shit!" I exclaim. "I'm going to be late!" I jumped out of bed and began digging through my suitcases. I pulled on a pair of black Calvin Klein jeans and a plaid button up over a white tank top, then grab a rain jacket and put it on. I run out of the room and bump into Noah. He hands me a grey backpack and car keys.

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