Chapter 9: Potions And Other Classes

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The next morning, Draco woke Harry bright and early.
"Harry, your first owl order package has arrived!" Harry sat up groggily and reached for his glasses.
"What are you talking about, Draco?" Draco practically dragged Harry out of bed and pushed him over to the small window in their room. Harry saw the owl leaning down to tap on the window again.
Draco dragged a chair to the window and helped Harry climb up. When Harry opened the window, the owl swooped in and landed on his bed. Harry climbed back down and hurried to his bed. He saw the small parcel tied to the owl's legs. The owl held still as he unburdened it, then spread its wings.
"Oh, hold on, I have something for you!" The owl eyed him skeptically, but did not take off. Harry pulled the box of owl treats out of his trunk and offered a couple to the owl. It hooted happily then gobbled them down. Harry gave it a quick pet. "Thank you for my mail." The owl nipped him affectionately then flew back out the window.
"Wow, seems like you have quite a way with owls, Harry." Harry shrugged.
"I just know what it's like to be treated like a servant. I think everyone should be thanked for their services." The other boys nodded.
"Noble thought, Harry." Harry smiled at Blaise in thanks.
"Let's get ready and head up to breakfast. I'm starving!" They all scrambled to get ready quickly then headed off to the Great Hall for breakfast excited discussing their first lesson of the day. Draco spotted Hermione as soon as they entered and went to sit next to her. Harry followed, just in case Draco needed moral support.
"Hello, Hermione."
"Hello, Draco. I received your card. It was quite eloquent, and I accept your apology, however you really must learn to think before you speak."
"Yes, of course, Hermione. I'll do my best." Harry rolled his eyes.
"Oh, and Harry, I hope you aren't offended by my lack of card, but my order from the stationers hasn't arrived yet." Seeing Harry's puzzled look, she explained. "I wanted to thank you for defending me yesterday."
"'re welcome. Think nothing of it." She smiled, and Harry settled down to his breakfast. As they ate, the mail arrived. Harry scanned the hundreds of owls for Hedwig, but didn't see a single white owl. Draco's eagle owl arrived bearing sweets from home. Draco passed out sugar quills to his four friends. He still had enough left over for Blaise, Daphne, Theodore, and even one for Alexander.
He came over to the table halfway through breakfast like he always did every morning. He talked with them about their classes for the day and gave them advice on how to get on the professors' good sides. He gratefully took the sugar quill saying he had History of Magic first today. Everyone wished him luck as he headed off.
After breakfast, the five of them trooped off to their dormitories to pick up their bags, cauldrons, and potion supplies then asked a portrait to help them find their way to Potions. When they entered the Potions dungeon, only a couple of other Slytherins were in the room. The Gryffindors had yet to arrive. They split into pairs. Hermione and Draco sat at the front right table on the Slytherin side. Vincent asked Harry to partner him for the day, and they sat at the front left table. Gregory paired with Theodore (to whom Draco offered a sugar quill) and sat behind Harry and Vincent. They all spoke quietly amongst themselves. A sudden rush of noise announced the entrance of the Gryffindors.
They scraped the stools along the floors, slammed their bags and cauldrons on the tables, and spoke loudly. Harry caught Neville's eye and gave him a quick smile. However, Neville gulped and turned away quickly. Harry saw Weasley smile evilly as he pulled Neville to sit with him and wondered what malicious rumors he'd been spreading, making a note to ask Alexander about it. Before he could think about it more, the dungeon door was shut behind Professor Snape.
"Silence!" He strode to the front of the classroom. "You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion making," He spoke softly, but even the Gryffindors knew to keep quiet. "As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses..." Here he paused, and Harry was positive he heard Hermione sigh. "I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death — if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach." Hermione let out a soft, "Oh." She clearly did not like the idea of being considered a dunderhead.
"Malfoy!" Said Professor Snape suddenly. "What would you get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"
"The Draught of Living Death, sir. It is an extremely powerful sleeping potion."
"Correct. Five points to Slytherin." Draco turned and grinned at Harry.
"Weasley! What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?" Harry turned to look at Weasley, who shrugged.
"Don't know. Isn't that why I'm here?" Professor Snape sneered as the Slytherins watched, shocked.
"Detention, Weasley. See me after class for the details. Let's try again. Thomas! What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"
"I don't know, sir."
"Do any of you Gryffindors know the answer?" Neville looked around nervously before raising a hand. "They are the same plant, sir. It is also known as aconite." Remembering something that he had once talked with Alexander about, he added. "They are commonly used in the wolfsbane potion, which is used to help werewolves with their transformations."
"An acceptable answer. Take three points to Gryffindor." Snape said almost begrudgingly.
"R...Potter!" Harry saw most of the Slytherins wince. "Where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?"
"In the stomach of a goat, sir. It is a hardened hairball that has the appearance of a stone that is found there that will save you from most poisons. Although a good potionier should always have one on hand."
"Excellent. Seems that potions is a strong suit for you as well. Five points to Slytherin. Now, today you will be brewing an elementary potion to cure boils." He flicked his wand at the chalkboard. "Instructions are on the board. When your finished potion has cooled, please fill your vial..." He paused and waved his wand at the room, causing labeled vials to appear on everyone's desk. "And deposit the vial on my desk. Begin." Harry looked up at the board and carefully read the instructions.

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