∞ 04

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"I said, 'Oh my, what a marvelous tune'

It was the best night, never would
forget how he moved

The whole place was dressed to the nines

And we were dancing, dancing

Like we're made of starlight

Like we're made of starlight."

- Taylor Swift, Starlight.

Prescott Jr. Downey was an excellent dancer. This may come off as a surprise to many people, but he could break dance fairly well. His movements were sharp and fast, alternating with freezes at just the right times. Prescott danced like he could feel the music in his soul; like there was no tomorrow. This just further proves what an all rounder he had turned out to be, and losing him was like letting a precious gem slip through our fingertips. That's the very reason why our school is all out to train new Prescotts; to replace the precious gem we've lost.


In my life, I've come across a few moments which I would've loved to capture with a camera, so that I can look back when I want to. And this moment, undoubtedly, was one of them.

Seeing Sky in a tuxedo just about took my breath away. Walking over to me, he took my hands in his and said, "You look beautiful tonight, Paige. May I have this dance?"

Hell, I couldn't have said no even if I tried. That guy sure knew how to look good in a tux. I took his hands and together, we slow danced to the background music.

We blended in all right. I was pretty sure we looked like one of the couples in Lakeview High, with my gown and Sky's tux. That gave me a little feeling of relief inside, in a certain sense. I remembered the year where I almost got busted by the security in this school, and it sure wasn't pretty.

"Glad you made it, Sky," I said, squeezing his hand.

"Only with your help," he said, smiling. "I heard that you all are split into two groups. Which group are you in?"

This was the point where I leaned in and rested my head on his shoulder, and surprisingly, I felt secured, the way I felt around Lucas. "I'm in Greg's," I said. "But I hardly care about the result."

I swore I could almost feel Sky smile into my hair.

"Come on," he whispered when the dance ended. "Let's sneak out."



"This is the last challenge, guys. Make it through this and we're safe," Greg said as we stood side by side in front of the school gate of Lakeview High. It was their annual ball and the newbies had to get through the security.

We climbed over the school gates without much effort; that was part of the training we've gone through, after all. Among the twenty other soon-to-be Prescotters, our vision was clear and we were focused.

"Guess we have to split up to distract the security," Lucas said with Greg and I nodding in agreement. Lucas and Greg had more or less helped me through the previous challenges, and I wanted to take down this one on my own.

It wasn't that hard to spot the newbies. We were wearing our school black and red t-shirts, as a sign of protest.

I walked away from the ballroom, into the hallways where the silence was somewhat deafening. All I could hear was the sound of my footsteps and the beating of my heart in my chest.

I've got to hide somewhere if I wanted to make it through the night. I almost tiptoed, counting footsteps. I took a right turn, and then a left, slowly getting lost in the building.

Lingering around for some time, I was almost certain that I could make it though.

But like how it wasn't easy to pass through the previous challenges in Prescott High, this wasn't easy either.

Before I made it even halfway pass the hallway, I heard a voice call out.

"Hey, stop right there!" he called. It was a low, ferocious voice which belonged to the security guard with a baton; I found out when I turned around.

And I knew that instance could change my life.

Heartbeat louder and faster than ever, I ran. I ran for my life.


"Get off her, you shameless bastard," Greg called out suddenly, walking towards us. Sky and I were hanging out in the balcony, underneath the stars. That is, until Greg decided to spoil the moment.

"Fuck you," Sky muttered in Greg's direction.

"Like you dare. Get your filthy hands off Paige," Greg ordered, removing Sky's hand from mine.

Sometimes, Greg was so difficult to deal with that I wanted to smack my head into a wall.

"What's your problem, Greg? Leave us alone," I said at the same time which Greg balled his right hand into a fist and without a single warning, he punched Sky in the face.

I was too shocked for words.

"Fuck you!" Sky said, his fingers rubbing the side of his cheek where he was punched.

"Learn a lesson, you little fuck," Greg said. "Don't you ever dare to use Paige against me again."

"He is not using me, Greg," I claimed, a little pissed off. "Please, just go away. I don't want to see you again, ever."

Greg looked me in the eye for seconds longer than normal. "If that's what you want, Paige, I'll leave," he said. "But you should know that I've never lied to you, and I never will. He's just using you and I want you to know that."

With that, he turned his back and left.

"I'm not using you, Paige," Sky said to me when Greg left. "I don't give a fuck about what Greg thinks, but what you think matters to me, more than you can imagine it does."

"Of course I trust you, Sky," I said. "Does it hurt very badly?"

I ran my fingers through the red mark which Greg's punch had left him, and he winced a little. Without thinking, I leaned in and planted a kiss on the mark.

Sky pulled back and he looked right at me for a moment, his eyes piercing through my soul. And then, he abruptly kissed me on the lips, like he needed me more than anything in the world.

I kissed him back with a passion of my own, reaching up to run my fingers through his dark hair. Sky snaked an arm round my waist, pulling me nearer, deepening the kiss. His kiss told me a thousand things that couldn't be put down into words; how much he needed and loved me.

I put a hand on Sky's chest and felt his heartbeat loud and quick, matching one of my own.

His kiss was perfect. He kissed me softly at first, and then more passionately, and back to teasing nips. When we pulled away, both of us were out of breath, and we rested our heads on each other's foreheads, our breaths mixing into one.

"That - was amazing," Sky panted. "I love you, Paige. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, Sky," I said and he kissed my forehead. I felt very safe in his arms, the way I've never felt before.

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