Chapter 2: The Decision

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Kallera woke the following morning with a start, and a thick head. That's what came of undertaking dreamwork without the proper preparation. Something she had only suffered from in the early days of her studies.

It was Kayan's fault, naturally. If he had been less impulsive... If he could have been more concise... If he could have stopped talking... But no, he had waffled on for hours.

That being said, what he'd had to tell Kallera had been interesting. Very interesting.

She sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes, and then her head. She was going to need a draught of something, and spell of some kind, if she was going to chase away this magical hangover and get something productive out of the day.

Wrapping an overly large shawl about her, she staggered down the stairs to the kitchen, grabbing things from shelves and cupboards and placing them on the kitchen table. The instinctual nature of the cunning woman was in control at that moment, which was a blessing Kallera thought. She could not cope with the stern, over critical witch.

A pinch of this and a spoon of that found its way into a small one cup saucepan, which she duly added water to, before setting it to boil in the grange. While that brewed, she took a wooden cake box out of the pantry and started to nibble on the last piece of a fruit cake Priyalla, her foster mother, had made for her.  It was not a nutritious breakfast, but it was a comforting one.

When the cake was gone, and the drink was ready, she poured it into a brew-cup and headed to her workroom. She needed to get her thoughts in order before she made a decision. Yet the choice before her could wait, the recording of Kayan's dream message could not.

She pulled her Book of Dreams off of the bookcase, and went to sit at her desk. Opening it to a fresh page, she took up an ink-dipped pen and started to write:

Dreamwork regarding the Revelations of Kayan 

What do I know of Kayan? Very little. He was too preoccupied with his message to speak of himself. Due to the location (rural, waterfall) I could not pinpoint the time or place he was from.

What did he have to say? Much, on certain subjects. Apparently there are more types of magic in this world, beyond that of the witch and the cunning woman. (How could the people at Ravenbury Witch College and the Cunning Guild not know this?) 

Perhaps the answer to the magical blending I seek might be found in another magical discipline? He has facilitated, by the use of his own magic (he did not say what that was) some kind of journey or quest to aid my learning. Apparently he is fascinated by the concept of magic blending too. 

Note: He says his motivations are a thirst for magical knowledge. He is a student of magic. I found him to be friendly enough, and nothing suggested he wasn't trustworthy, and yet...I find myself wondering why doesn't he take up his own challenge? Why doesn't he seek out this other knowledge rather then sending someone to find it for him?

For him. Herein lies my biggest reservation. He did not expressly state what he wants in return.

The quest, should I agree to undertake it, is this: to visit twelve magical communities, spending a month in each, learning all I can in that time. The price I must pay for this "gift" ("hard work" or "trial" might be a better word here), is one year of my life, dedicated to this pursuit of knowledge. Kayan seemed to understand how much of a sacrifice it would be for me to leave this cottage.

My thoughts: I do not know enough about Kayan to understand what is driving him. There will be something he wants in return for him helping me. I know that. And should I learn anything, that would surely be a fair exchange. Yet not knowing what he wants unsettles me.

But enough to pass on this opportunity? 

Could I undertake this sort of quest on my own? No. I do not know of these places he thinks I should visit. And perhaps I might need his magic or influence to help me settle in there.

I get the feeling, in this, we need each other. I'm not happy about it, but there is no getting away from it. 

I have never been away from the cottage for longer than a week, and that is only to head down the mountains, into Venna, to stay with Priyalla. Prior to that, there were my two years at Ravenbury, and a further two at the Cunning Guild, but that apprentice ended almost ten years ago.

 I am comfortable here. Maybe too comfortable? Perhaps a challenge is exactly what I need?

Kallera put down the pen and drained the dregs of her brew-cup. Then she nodded tentatively to herself.

'I'm going,' she whispered. In her heart she knew she had to.

She would wonder at all the things she had missed out on learning, not to mention, the places she would miss out on seeing, if she rejected Kayan's offer. And though the cunning woman in her wouldn't blame her, the witch in her would never let it go.

There would be other meetings with Kayan, Kallera concluded, other chances to learn more about him. What's more, she could always change her mind and come home. She'd not been told anything to the contrary.

And if Kayan proved to be dangerous or untrustworthy? Well, Kallera Blackheart was more than capable of looking after herself. That was why most people feared her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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