Chapter 2: Welcome to Hell

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Annette wakes up in a significantly warm location. Her vision is slightly blurry but slowly recovers.

She's in a bed, not one she recognises. She was in a red room in what seemed to be fire?

Wait, FIRE?

She rubbed her eyes extremely hard just to see if she was hallucinating. After all, she did probably do something terrible last night with the hotdogs.

As soon as her full vision returned, she checked the supposed fire, and it was indeed fire. She immediately pushed herself to the corner of the bed to get far away from the fire. But it wasn't spreading, which was odd.

"Well, well, well..." A figure said, appearing in the room.

Annette began to scream and threw her pillow towards the figure.

"And hello to you too," the figure said. "I know you may be confused about what's going on,"

"Who are you? Where am I?" She said in a panicked way.

The figure spreads his arms out wide and said, "Welcome to Hell!"

"What?" Annette said, confused.

"Listen, you are in Hell. I am the Devil. No, this is not a joke, " He said, sitting down on the bed.

"Wait, I'm Dead?" She said, shocked.

"Yup," He said, "Dead as your Great Great Grandfather,"

"No, no. Wait. I've been good all my life, I can't be in Hell." Annette said nearly in tears.

"Well, since you did kill yourself, and that is a sin, you are down here with me", He said.

"Wait, what? How did I kill myself?" Annette said.

"Well, you did choose to eat all of those hotdogs, didn't you?" He said.

"How exactly did I die?" Annette asked.

"Well. You ate too many hotdogs. You stuffed yourself to the brim. And decided on one more. And due to that last one, your stomach burst, releasing all of your stomach acid to dissolve a few of your internal organs, " He said with a smile.

"Cause just choking on One wasn't good enough for you," She said.

"Hey, we gotta have fun down here. It's gets kinda boring sometimes." The devil replied.

"Please, there has to be some way that I can leave here. I don't want to be tortured for the rest of eternity!" She pled.

"Nope," the Devil answered. " Once you're in hell, you're stuck here."

"I will do anything to not be tortured . Please! Please!" Annette pled falling to her Knees.

After a little bit of Annette tugging at the devil while kneeling, The Devil pondered to himself.

"Well, actually," the devil says, thinking something. "There is something that you could do."

"Wait, there is? What is it?" Annette said, crawling over to him.

"I need a new Sin keeper," the Devil said. "If you're willing to do that?"

"What's a Sin keeper?" Annette asked.

"Well, you know the Seven Deadly sins and their corresponding levels of hell. Basically, each sin has a sin keeper, who governs over their level of hell, and also acts like a grim reaper for those destined to go to that level of hell." The devil explained.

"Okay, so what level do I have to control?" Annette said.

"What one do you think?" The devil replied.

"I don't know, I just got here." Annette said.

"It's Gluttony. You know? The one you were going to?" He said.

"You never said I was going to Gluttony." She replied.

"Did I not?" He said. Annette shook her head. "Damn,"

"Also, why was I going to Gluttony? I'm not even fat?" Annette asked.

"Well, due to the circumstances around your death being the textbook definition of Gluttony. You were classified as so." The devil answered."So will you take the deal?"

"Absolutely," Annette said.

"Perfect then," the devil said. "That sorts that out."

The Devil puts out his hand for one of his infamous hand shakes. Annette joins in and the shake, finishing their deal.

"There are benefits to the job." The Devil said. "You get pretty much unstoppable power.

"Wait, really?" Annette said. "So I can like change form?"

"You can, but you must return to your normal form. But when it comes to stuff like food and clothes, They can change indefinitely."

"Okay then," Annette said. "Where do I go?"

"Don't worry, I'll send you down now," the Devil said. After that, He snaps his fingers, and she instantly teleports.

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