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[ "So author, what did we learn about prosthetic arms today?" Asked no one ever. "Thanks to Google, I've been having a stroke each time I try to read about the process of getting prosthetics because for some reason, the names and terms are ALWAYS abnormally long and tongue-twisting to read say." I responded to that nonexistent audience.

On that note, if you're someone who's into medical practices and/or suchlike, please don't harm me for what I may mention in this chapter. I tried doing my research, but a part of me is still quite baffled, so if I end up saying anything wrong, feel free to correct me.

Anyway, I'm kinda excited for this, 'cause things are finally picking up and closing in to a part of the plan that I'm oddly excited for lol. Hope ya'll enjoy :'D ]

What is with Russians calling me a dog now. Even Solkev's frequently calling me it. And you know it's down dirty if even Solkev says it! Solkev knows about everything, but not every joke or trend stick to him. He always thinks they're stupid, so he always forgets about it and just lets his men enjoy whatever that is, without him getting in on it. Does Solkev also got some secret kinks that barely anybody knows about?

I am not a bloody dog.

(My brothers might laugh at me and beg to differ on that one though...)

Anyhow, he cuffed my wrist to his with those generic donut ones. Without even me asking, he tells that he was bringing me to the campus lab for a new arm. He claims that it won't be the best and it certainly won't be as durable and better-quality than what Belarus was offering, but after what happened, they couldn't risk sending me somewhere else again. Speaking of Belarus, I was actually genuinely curious about what happened to her. Sure she was caught, right? I mean I just skedaddled outta there when I heard their voices. I'm sure she was still alive, but just unconscious. I wanted to ask Solkev but it was not my place to know.

Something I noticed though, Solkev keeps yawning and tryna keep his eyes open. He even dragged me the wrong way once or twice. I was gonna ask something but I decided not to. Surprisingly, the boffins there were calm today and got to work without any other unrelated doodly whats-its. Those downtown scanners could learn a thing or two from em. The process, might I add, went well though. It was just like my old one - even a bit better. As Solkev promised, it wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worse. The feel of it is a bit weird, and for some reason, I'm having a lot more of a hard time with the neuromusculoskeletal prosthesis, but maybe that's just because I haven't replaced my old prosthetic in a very very long time. Change can be strange, indeed. After the replacement process, check-ups, and other inspections were done, they dismissed me and I was sent off back to my designated classroom. It was already getting late, and I just missed my one chance at finally eating something that aren't berries.

At least my kids still have my loot hidden somewhere. I could always come back to my gatherings in the forest when I'd still be feeling a bit peckish later.


There was something a bit weird that happened while making my way back. I was just walking down the hallway, minding my own business, and I overheard England and Scotland talking in a mysterious dark room. An unrecognizable place, actually. Looks like it hasn't ever even been used. The door was meant to be shut, but it seems that it was left ajar. Gingerly, I attempted to take a small peak inside and eavesdrop on their conversation.

Look, I've heard and have witnessed England and Scotland having some sort of strange attraction to each other countless times, but them being both in this small, dark room, alone together at a time like this, certainly wasn't normal at all.

It's hard to tell if it were to be a blessing or a curse that nobody, at all, was around. It gave me the perfect opportunity to just stay here and spectate without being seen, but it made me all the more suspicious as of why they would be talking to each other in such a secluded area like this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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