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Last night was a doozy. The gangmaster's not feeling it that day so we had a better chance at a feast of our own. We managed to smuggle enough for everyone and it was a fun time, especially since I was able to get drunk and momentarily forget the fact that half of the night was spent by England and Scotland arguing again, and me neglecting my duties as the peace maker.

It didn't take Aussie long to get accustomed to all the going-ons. He was still rather baffled at some bits and odds but he was getting there. I've thought him my way of being a scav and I was able to hook him on board with me so he could go out with me and Sea.... Even though half of the time, they would just sit in the corner, reading those stupid comics, 'decoding' the secrets while I get to do all the work of actually scavving to save our skin and keep our cover. Yay. It's even worse because it feels that my prosthetic arm is about to break. Nobody's gonna help me with this either. The disabled are usually left alone to keep working or just rot to death, but me? Nah. I'd rather be left alone to suffer, but I won't be able to. The boffins would definitely take this opportunity to take me in for their own interests, sayin' they're gonna 'help me' and 'make me a new one'. I'd rather lose my arm for good than give myself up to those creeps.

Anyhow, the bright side is, we also found Kiwi. Australia did say that New Zealand was also gonna be tagging along. And even though I'm already ready to be bedridden because of Sealand, and after what happened with Solkev and Australia, I'd be deceased. And NZ being here too? Even my soul's going to be crying.

But just like Wales told me to, I'm trying to look at the bright side. I'm happy that New Zealand is here. I'm happy that my boys are getting together and are being able to bond together despite all that's happening around the world. They're pretty much our only hope left. Hope left for the next generation... If there's gonna be one, that is.

Wales is out of the picture now though. He's gotta go ad get back to his own separate tasks. I don't know much with how they even 'decipher' details in kid's comics but for some reason, somehow, they're managing to do so. For the weeks, they've been trying their best and it seems that they've been getting somewhere. According to what they've told me, there's a chapter in Volume 29 where Captain Kirkland time-travelled to the past during a construction of a museum to hide his treasure underground. That's it. That's all we have. I'm tellin' ya, it's a load of bs but whatever.

Before I could even butt in, they've all already got it all figured out one night when we was in the Sanctuary. I just sat back and got drowned in smuggled whiskey. I'm a bit woozy but here I am being dragged into the next part of this stupid adventure. It's funny because they say they need me the most because I know everything about the Russians more than anyone else does. Dunno where they got that, but sure. Today we're heading to the iconic British Museum. The place's heavily-guarded 'cause Russia's takin' it all for himself, as expected. The kids tell me it's karma for what I've done in the past, and frankly I have no clue what they're on about. I have never stolen anything from my sons. Why would I even do that??! That's just so wrong!


Okay, maybe I borrowed some things and forgot to give it back. Cut an old man some slack. I could barely remember the names of my European neighbours at this point. What more would be a buncha priceless artefacts, almost all made from their own blood and swe-

-Yeah, I may or may not have been that cruel back in the day.


At the moment, we're all stationing at a nearby park, hiding behind a buncha old statues of lions that are surprisingly still sort of in tact. I say sort of 'cause there's that one to our side's that's already lost his head. Poor guy. Sealand clutches onto his comic book as he whispers to us, "According to the comic, deep down the Museum is some sort of underground storage facility. In there is a small box containing some documents he kept hidden for when he time-travels back to the future. Daddy, you know the way around, right?"

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