Chapter Twenty-One

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Despite setting an alarm, it seems as though my body rejected the idea of waking up this early. I must've turned off the alarm in my sleep, or fallen asleep right after because I have no recollection of waking up due to an alarm.

It was only because Damien came to wake me up that I was even able to haphazardly get ready in time. I just threw on some random clothes and made sure I had my backpack before hurrying to the car. Damien had placed my breakfast in a disposable container so I could eat in the car. Cameron was sitting across from me while Damien sat next to me.

"I'm sorry for nearly making us late... I swear I set an alarm; I genuinely don't know what happened."

Neither Damien or Cameron seemed upset with what had happened though. Cameron had been wearing some headphones for what I assume is listening to music, but it seems as though the volume wasn't that loud seeing as he was able to respond to my apology.

"It's fine (Name), no worries. The staff's more lenient on the first couple days of school. They acknowledge that we're adjusting to a school schedule."

"It could also be because we're from rich and influential families and don't want to get on our parent's bad side... Or what you said. Either way."

When I think about it, Damien makes an excellent point. This school's for the wealthy; it makes sense they would want to stay on our good side to keep from the wrath from angry parents.

"I know Cameron mentioned clubs and other activities the school offers, but do either of you participate in any clubs?"

Cameron pushed a button on his headphones, seeming to either pause the music or turn it off entirely before setting them around his neck. He was the first to respond.

"I had been in a martial arts club a couple years ago, but it soon became too easy and I quit. Last year I would occasionally stop by the weight-lifting club for a bit of extra exercise, but I wasn't an official member of the club."

Given Cameron's lack of interest in being around people, I'm not too surprised by his answer. Still, I didn't take him for a weight-lifter. I mean, I know he's strong with his martial arts but I didn't take him to go and lift weights.

"For all the years I've been in high school I've been on the football team. I was on the baseball team in middle school, but it didn't take too long to discover that I preferred football to baseball."

"So you've always been a sports kind of guy?"

Damien nodded.

"Yeah, you could say that. With martial arts, soccer, and football taking up my middle and high school years, in addition to swimming and soccer being in my elementary school years... I've delved into many different sports. I guess I just couldn't decide on one sport to participate in."

I was shocked with how many sports Damien has participated in. Usually people will participate in one, maybe two different sports...

"We have arrived."

Hearing the driver say this, the three of us looked at the school as we pulled into the parking lot. Before I had seen the area quite scarce, but now that it was actually the school year it was full of students and various cars in line to drop off other students. The parking lot wasn't as full as I expected, although when most people are driven to school by personal drivers, I suppose it makes sense that less cars would need to stay at the school.

It didn't take long for us to exit the limo, our driver opening the door for us. Grabbing our things, we were ready to enter the school. Well, that was until someone who I assumed was staff faculty approached us.

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