Treacherous Waves (TalesoftheDeep)

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August 4, 1835,

I should have written in here sooner, but a whirlwind of events prevented me. Firstly, the luck box's vision left me with a fever for weeks. Rodger insisted I stay put but I begged him for a change of scenery. The infirmarian agreed that my condition was due to an aggravated state of mind rather than body. I doubt Rodger would have listened without the unexpected arrival of  Admiral Lucius (something. His name escapes me). 

Apparently he and Rodger were acquainted long ago. Rodger confided in him about me and the Admiral agreed that the ship's chaplain could use some assistance. I could easily tag along on their expedition up the North Atlantic. Seems the navy had been receiving reports of glaciers fragmenting up there, making travel difficult. The Admiral was ordered to give a preliminary scout of the waters and ascertain how much of an issue this truly was.

So here I am aboard the Versailles, freezing to death and enjoying every moment. We've almost reached the glaciers. Hopefully we'll have answers soon.

August 6, 1835,

Hundred metre-high tower broke from the walls of ice around it and floated on the surface. We watched closely, but were far enough away that the tower's impact was not a concern. 

I'll never forget the sight of that lonely bastion as long as I live, floating away from the ice shelves.  But then, the tower tilted, imbalanced, and with a loud crack, collapsed into the sea. 

The force of that ice was breathtaking, absolutely breathtaking. All hands were on deck to steady the ship and ride the waves that were kicked up. One particular rode up and washed on the starboard side. We swung out by the stern, our course directionless.

The anchor dropped. Whether by accident or purposeful, I'll never know. We snagged hard. The Versailles churned in the waves, tilting hard to port. My hold on the ropes slipped. I fell into the sea. The cold water hit me like a wall of ice.

I crashed through, stunned and unable to move.

I was certain that I was lost. The inky blue of the deep swirled around me, preserving me in an eternal moment. I couldn't even form a prayer. Not even a thought, just a hope. 

Then from the depths I felt a sudden warmth. Jaws latched onto my shoulder, halting my descent. I tried to see what creature had ensnared me, but the cold sun above silhouetted the monstrous beast. My attempts to struggle were futile as I was dragged upwards. The cold currents lashed at me, but the heat pouring from the creature's jowls protected me. A fire burned in its body, warming the water around us.

Before I knew it, I'd broken through the surface. The icy wind froze the tips of my hair and whipped my face. Freed from the drag underwater, I finally turned to my rescuer. The waves tossed us about, but I still recognized him.

The Dragonhound.

I heard the cry of "man overboard" passed among the crew. In moments, a line was tossed down to me as the Dragonhound kept me warm. Even with his breath, I felt numb by the time I scaled the line to safety.

I collapsed on deck as the crew hovered around. They feel back when the hound approached me. He'd climbed up after me. I pet his face, prayed for him as he licked my hand.

But he changed. His eyes turned white, he grew in size before me. The crew fell back, shouting and scrambling for weapons. The Dragonhound licked me one last time. Wings sprouted from his shoulders as he leapt from the deck.

A shadow covered the sun. The dragon clutched the tips of the prow, turned the ship away. Then he circled above, flapping his enormous wings to fill our sails. The
Versailles thrust ahead and we escaped the treacherous ice.

The ice shelves had disappeared. So too had my friend. I feel guilt in that we trespassed his home, but gratitude too that he had saved my life and sent us away without casualties. I pray he prospers. 

Farewell, good Dragonhound. I thank you



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