Sealed Temptation (MythandLegend)

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May 28, 1835, 

The archbishop came to the university yesterday. Uncle was more wrangled than usual and of course showed me off to the archbishop. I'm glad he was so proud. I had to assist in the High Mass he officiated.

 Augh, the dinner last night was unbearable. I was sat next to one of the university's donors, a strange old man I'd never seen before. He introduced himself as Caesare LaMonte. Julius Caesar? Caesar Augustus? Or probably an unknown caesar. I suppose it didn't matter. I was hardly listening to him anyway as he droned on about his vast donations to the university and the Church. No doubt those had paid for his seat here.

Once dinner had finished, the whole staff saw the Archbishop off. Monsieur LaMonte found me again before his carriage came. He passed me an odd little box, without explanation, and told me that I would receive good fortune in my endeavors if I kept it sealed. Surprised, I examined the box--crafted of cedarwood and fitted with golden filigrees from the last century-- but when I looked up to ask more, his carriage had disappeared beyond the gate.

Even as I write this, I can't help staring at the strange box. What was his purpose in giving it to me, a complete stranger? Is there a curse attached to it? Or perhaps it was cumbersome heirloom he passed on to me as an easy means to be rid of it. 

It's maddening not to know. I expect I won't until I open the box. If I do. I need to sleep now.

May 29, 1835, 

I have been up all night puzzling over LaMonte's box. I shouldn't be so obsessed with it. I'm acting like a child, really, but I just cannot understand why he would give up the box if it really brings good fortune. I know he had no cause to give it to a young, inexperienced (to him) deacon if it did. Does it not bring fortune to him? If so, why would it to me?

I'm convinced this box is cursed and he passed it off to me as a contrivance to shake the curse. I doubt it works that way, Monsieur LaMonte. Perhaps I am safe then. I'll consult the tome and see if there are any special prayers to bind curses.

I've scoured the tome for over an hour and cannot find an adequate spell to keep whatever evil is in the box at bay. I may have to resort to my more common chants, Solvens and Lacere, to protect myself and hold the evil back.

I will see.

May 31, 1835,

That damned box still sits on my windowsill, taunting me every morning and night. It leaves me torn. I do not know if it is worth the risk to open it. But the uncertainty weighs down on me more than the risk.

Am I the victim of a bound and frightful curse or simply the butt of a cruel joke? I'm so vexed by this, I have been tempted to speak to Rodger about this. God forbid!

Speaking of Rodger, though, I feel that I must note that Rodger has been more...I hesitate to say warm of late, but I don't know what other word could describe it better. He's been sharing more of his visions for my future. Of course they involved finally passing my examination for the priesthood--we may need a miracle for that, Rodger--but they also involved that I travel?

He's never encouraged this in me before and I struggle to believe he will again. The old man is still hellbent on seeing my clerical success for himself. Still, I cannot deny the jolt of excitement I felt when hearing him speak of a voyage abroad.

I've read reference to the acropolis more than once in Lilith's tome. If I could go alone on this voyage, and find a way to Greece, I may get the answers I seek. I'll speak to him about this later. 

As I write this by candlelight, it seems to me that the rim of the box lid is slightly illuminated. But perhaps it is a trick of the eyes.

I shall see tomorrow.

(the words are hastily scrawled on the next page)

           I opened it. The light      I woke up to it     Couldn't think of a chant fast enough before my hands were on the box

 Nothing inside     only blinding light, but I   I hear my mother

I can see her   see myself        but young

I try to look away but it                                                         it keeps forcing my gaze back
                                                                                                                                                       to the light

                                                                      what have I done               
             God forgive me


                               L i   li   t h  

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