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Mira stopped Raven and looked out across the land from the hill. I had been four years....four years since she'd been here. The once green and rich land was completely changed. Of course, that had been in her father's time, Osric hadn't been as good a Lord by a long way. But somehow it seemed even worse than it had originally. The once full, green fields of different crops were dead and dry. A long time ago, there had been a small number of houses where people lived who rented a field, or who worked in the Manor. Now, there were even less. Some still stood, others looked abandoned and some were burnt out or had been reduced to a pile of ruins.

The Manor stood tall and grey, casting a dark shadow over the land. For some reason Mira grew colder looking at it, that place had been her prison for years and now it seemed to reflect that memory on the outside. She felt the others beside her, but her eyes were locked on Llydaw.

"Mira?" said Gwaine softly. Mira gently urged Raven on and she cantered down the hill. She hadn't answered Gwaine, she didn't know what to say.

The ground began to even as she rode on down the road, she slowed to a trot as she came close to a house. Slowly Mira pulled her hood up so it hid her face. There was a man outside. "Strangers aren't welcome up at the Manor" he called as she stopped beside him,"Wouldn't waste my breath, if I were you".

"Who lives in the Manor?" Mira asked.

"Sir Osric, but I'd turn back"

"Sir Osric is in prison. Who else lives there?"

"Finally put him away did they? Well, all his men left a few weeks ago"

"Thank you" Mira was about to leave when the man stepped closer and patted Raven.

"That's a fine horse you have there" he stated,"Have you always had her?".

"I don't believe that's any of your concern, sir" she said quietly,"Now, if you'll excuse me"

"How long it's been..." he observed,"Lady Mira" Mira was speechless. "Still don't recognise me?" he laughed,"Well, I don't blame you, its been four years since you left, but even more since we saw each other. But I could never forget this horse".

"Thomas?" she asked, remembering the old man who used to look after Raven, she pulled down her hood. He had aged dramatically in their years apart, stress and work had created new lines on his face but his eyes still remained happy. He had been close to her father in his last few years, but Thomas had managed to avoid losing his job when Osric threw out most of the servants. Although he had been forbidden to contact young Mira.

"I'm so sorry!" Mira exclaimed,"It's just, it's been so long!".

The man laughed good naturedly. "Don't worry, m'Lady. I wouldn't say there's anyone in the castle now. But be careful, there might be one or two". Just then the Knights rode up. "Well, I think you'll be quite safe with Knights of Camelot. Gwaine, m'boy, you're looking quite proud" Thomas nodded towards Gwaine.

Gwaine smiled politely, probably not remembering the man. "Thank you, Thomas" Mira smiled.

"If anyone asks, you're not here" he grinned,"Good afternoon, m'lady"

"Goodbye" she replied, urging on Raven.

They rode up to the gates, nobody was there. Percival and Elyan hopped off of their horses to open them. Inside was a complete mess. It looked like everybody had dropped everything and abandoned the place: weapons lay on the ground, stray buckets, hay was all over the place, one wall looked like it had been set on fire as long black scorch marks covered it, a gaping hole was visible that Mira remembered had been an actual wall in her time.

They dismounted, Lancelot helping Mira off her horse. She and Gwaine led the way to the door, which, of course, was so stiff it wouldn't open. It took Leon and Gwaine quite a few minutes to get it open before Percival joined them and it creaked open. Gwaine grinned patting his friend on the arm.

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