Part 30. (Ugh)

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" What Miguel?" I ask, already holding back my tears. " Look, Y/n. Im sorry. I really am. I know I messed up, big." I scoff at his comment. " Miguel," I began to stutter "can I please just hang out with my friends right now?" I asked. " We can talk later." Miguel said with a slight smile. I began to walk away " Wait, y/n!" Miguel yelled. I turn around and walk towards him. " Yes, Miguel?" I said impatiently.

" Y/n. I gotta get everything off my chest now." He said looking me in my eyes. " Y/n,  "I love you, i really do" Miguel began to say. He begins to tear up, causing him to turn away for a minute. He turned back to the beautiful girl, who was shivering because of the snow. " I love you more then life itself. If loving you, means that i would go to hell then i would. So, i could brag to the devil about how i witnessed heaven without entering it." He reached his hand out to touch her cheek. Attempting to wipe her tears, she backed away a little and looked down. " Miguel. Here's my issue. I love you too. But, every time you do this and i forgive you it always happens again. Always." I state looking at his face, full of sorrow and regret. Miguel opens his mouth to say something, but a wave of tears stop him. " Miguel, we'll talk when i get home okay?" He nods at me and began to walk away.

I walked back over to my group. "Are you okay, y/n?" Azrael says standing up to hug me. I hug her back. " Uhm, he was just apologizing." I started. I began to tell that what he said. " He really thinks your gonna forgive him?" Julian scoffs. " I might.." They all three give me a 'don't you fucking do it' look. " Guys do give me that look. I still love him, so so much."

y'all im lazy, I'll finish tmr🤷
Im back<3

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