Quidditch Rivalry

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"JAMES SIRIUS POTTER!" Victoire Weasley echoed through the Great Hall during that Saturday's lunch. The whole room went quiet and turned their heads to the Gryffindor's table where a very scared James and an amused Freddie were eating. Roxanne was trying to snort a laugh while Lizzie Dupont rolled her eyes at her fellow housemates.

"I think she's found out." Rose Weasley laughed from her seat next to her cousin and Scorpius. 

"What's going on?" Albus asked, sitting next to Roxie with Alice hot on his heels. 

Victoire made her way to where most of her family was sitting with heavy steps and red as a true Weasley of anger. She was going to give her obnoxious little cousin a piece of her mind.

"Good morning, dear and beautiful cousin!" James greeted with his best smile, while Vic took the Daily Prophet that was laying around on the table and started hitting James on the head. "Ouch, what is this for?"

"You got detention on the night before our first game of the season, you idiot!" She scolded with a harsh tone. "Are you crazy? Couldn't you wait a couple of days to resume your ridiculous war with Dominique? You know how important this season is to me!" 

"Vicky, I know. I'm sorry, it wasn't my fault, this time." James told her with pleading eyes. "I swear!" Victoire buffed, even though she knew what he was saying was indeed true. 

"At least Dom's got detention too." Freddie tried to ease up, only gaining a killing glare from the Team Captain. 

"Care to tell me what's going on?" Albus insisted while eating some turkey. Rose had already lost interest on the conversation and was chatting with her dorm mates and Alice. 

"Your bastard of a brother got himself into a duel with Dom last night." Vic hissed, still looking down sternly to James. "I swear to you, James, one more finger out of line and I will kick you out of the team." 

"You wouldn't do that to me, Vic. You need me. Where would you find a chaser as good as me?" James cross-fired, rolling his eyes to his cousin's threat.

"Try me, Potter, try me." Vic yelled again, before turning on her heels with her long blonde hair slapping James's face in the process, only getting Freddie and Roxanne to openly laugh. She then headed to the Slytherin's table where her sister was sat with her friends. "Nice try, Dominique, but you aren't going to mess up with my team." 

"I'm sorry, what?" Dom replied with her innocent face that didn't actually fool anyone. 

"You forget I'm Head Girl, sweet child. I know it was you who attacked James." Vic explained. "Too bad he's got his father's reflexes." Vic narrowed her eyes to her sister, before concluding. "I'll see you on the pitch, Weasley. Have a nice detention."

"What a bitch." Erika Bonnet whispered with a laugh, being joined by Dom and Sean, but Victoire had heard her just fine. She stopped on her tracks, took a deep breath and decided to let it go. She would show that snake who's the bitch.

Back at the Gryffindor's table, Albus had joined Rose's conversation while James drowned himself in self-pity. He normally wouldn't mind a detention nor that people got upset with him, but this time it was different. Vicky had come to him to tell him that the Harpies were interested on her and there would be a scout on every game of the season. Vic had only told him (and perhaps Teddy, but he wasn't there) and trusted James to help her get a spot on her dream team, the same team James's mother had played all those years before. 

"Hey, James, are you ok?" The redheaded girl that impressively enough wasn't a Weasley (although people often asked her if she was) inquired with concerned eyes. "It's just a little detention, I'm sure you're used to it by now."

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