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Y/n and Seokjin are in office now but there is an issue in office lets see

John: what shall we do now our project is in danger now and it's all because of Mr Kang he wants to lead this project and if the board directors of both companies agree with it then we will be in risk with this

y/n: so what shall we do now I don't know why did I request him for the partnership

Seokjin: it's not your fault y/n we just need to talk to Jackson about it

y/n: why

Mary: so he can help us because mainly this project is our comapny's not Kang's

y/n: but will he help us

Seokjin: yea he will y/n call him now so we can arrange a meeting with Jackson

y/n: ok

y/n goes to her cabin to call Jackson but she really hates him but still she called him for the company

On call

y/n: h.hello

Jackson: hello sweetie

y/n: don't you dare call me with such names

Jackson: I just cant control when I am with you or just hear your voice so why did you call me wanna have a night with me on bed or

y/n: shut up you punk what do you think that I am like you I only love one person in this world and its my Jin

Jackson: ok tell why did you call me

y/n: come to the office we have something urgent

Jackson: sure you call and I won't come not done

End of call

y/n: how disgusting this man is he has a girlfriend but still I am damn sure she doesn't know anything about this guy she must know

y/n goes to Jin's office to tell him but saw him closing his eyes and resting his head on chair 

y/n: Seokjin

Seokjin opens his eyes and says

Seokjin: hmm what happened did you call Jackson

y/n: yes I did he will be here any moment

Seokjin: come here sit on my lap

y/n goes near him and sits on his lap Seokjin pulls y/n closer to him by holding her waist

y/n: leave me someone will see us

Seokjin: let them see I am romancing with my wife not with anyone else

y/n: (blushes) leave me or else

Seokjin: or else

y/n: I will beat you

Seokjin: then beat me

y/n: (chuckles) I was joking I can never hit you are my husband and I love you a lot

Seokjin takes his right hand to y/n's face and pulls her closer to him and starts kissing her but Jackson entered and saw they both flinched and got up y/n got so embarrassed

Jackson: sorry I disturbed you both

Seokjin: hey it's fine we were just talking

Jackson: hmm I saw what you guys were talking

y/n: sir the meeting room is ready you both can come there till then let me call the other members

Seokjin: ok

Jackson and Seokjin go to the meeting room till then y/n came in with the other members

John: so lets start the meeting

All: yes

So john explained about the project which was given my Jackson Mr Kang wants to handle it and etc

Jackson: hmm but I gave this project to your company fffirst how come Kang wants to lead it for that I have to call a meeting with board of directors with Kang and your company

Seokjin: yeah we know but we thought of discussing about this to you first

Jackson: ok so tomorrow we can have the meeting in my office

Seokjin: yeah sure thank you so  much for giving your time to us

Jackosn: its ok after all this company is also mine (looking at y/n)

y/n in mind: how can he do like this to his girlfriend

Jackson left the meeting room and called out y/n's name

Jackson: y/n

y/n: yes

Jackson: I really love your clothes today tight shirt small skirt and I just wanna bite you all over your body

y/n: (angry face) don't you dare ever do anything stupid or else you know I am Jin's wife I can do anything so stay within your line)

After he left

y/n was sitting peacefully in her office and thinking about Jackson and his dirty thoughts about her then Mary comes in

Mary: hey y/n

y/n stood up

y/n: hello come sit

Mary: no thanks I am happy that you and Seokjin are together now and I will cancel the contract by this week

y/n: I just want to stay with him forever

Mary: you can don't worry the procedure has started and soon we need a good news

y/n: (turns red) we just started now soon we may give good news

Mary: stay happy always

Time skip at night

y/n was cooking the dinner and saw Seokjin sitting on couch and looking at the files with frustration so she goes to him

y/n: Jin don't stress yourself I am sure we will be continuing with the project

Seokjin: I hope too but it doesn't seem easy

y/n: everything will be fine come sit on dining table I am bringing food

Seookjin sat and y/n was serving the food but he seemed sad and frustrated

y/n: I love you

Seokjin: (looks at her) y/n I know what you are trying to do but still I wont be stress free until we don't get to know who will leading this project

y/n: we will be just wait and watch

They start having their dinner

After dinner

Seokjin was laying down on his bed putting a hand under his head and looking at the ceiling that time y/n came in and couldn't see Seok jin's pain so she went near Seokjin and laid down near him

y/n: Jin sleep now its late

Seokjin: I don't feel sleepy you sleep

y/n: babe wanna s*x now?

Seokjin: (looked at her) No sorry I am not in the mood and I know even you don't wanna have you are just saying it to make me happy

y/n: you know me so sleep now tomorrow we will see what will happen

Will Seokjin's company lead the project or will they have to give it to Mr Kang?

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