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Kim Seokjin is currently looking for a new secretary so he or she can help him with his work but unfortunately his previous secretary was in the company just to get his money but when everyone got to know about it she was kicked out of the company 

In the company 

John: sir I have shortlist few candidates and today afternoon they are coming so sir you have to be present today

Seokjin: hmm sorry John but I need to go somewhere urgent why don't you interview them you are my manager

John: I know sir but what if you don't like the candidate who I choose 

Seokjin: I believe that you will choose the best for me so go ahead and best of luck

John: same to you sir

Then Seokjin left and gave all the responsibilities of interview to John 

Time skip at 1pm

John: good afternoon y/n

Y/n: good afternoon sir

John: so I have seen your cv it matches our sir's requirements so I just need to ask questions to you

Y/n: yeah sure

John: do you have any plans for future 

Y/n: yeah I just want a good job and give my mom a good life as I am the only child and just last year my dad passed away

John: oh sad to hear that so you are hired for the secretary position you can join from tomorrow 

Y/n: thank you sooo much mr John 

Y/n left the office she was so happy finally she got a good job she always wanted to work in jinhit entertainment and now finally she is the secretary of the ceo 

Time skip at y/n's home

Y/n: mom where are you I have a good news

Y/n m: what happened why are you screaming and eating my head

Y/n: mom once you hear the news you will jump in excitement 

Y/n m: what is the news 

Y/n: mom I got hired as a secretary in JinHit Entertainment and I am going to join tomorrow onwards

Y/n m: what (shocked) you and got hired in JinHit Entertainment you are kidding

Y/n: no mom I am not if you don't believe then see this papers of my job approval I a, joining from tomorrow 

Y/n's mom: so now that means you will work with the ceo but keep this thing in your mind I don't want you to be very close to the ceo because I heard he is not a good man

Y;n: mom don't worry I can take care of myself

Time skip morning 7am

Y/n is late on her first day she was rushing out of her home got a bus and reached the office but then while running she bumped into a man and then fell down on top of him

Y/n: oh my heartu how come this man is so handsome 

Seokjin: get off me (shouting) 

Then y/n got off from the top of him

Y/n: I am extremely sorry

Seokjin: sorry is really a small word are you blind can't you see that I was I coming and if you come early you don't have rush this way

Y/n: excuse me how dare you raising your voice and talking to me do you know who am I

Seokjin: who are you Bill Gates daughter 

Y/n: if I tell you who I am you will beg in front of me to forgive you

Seokjin: (comes closer to y/n) oh really I don't care who are you and remember one thing you have to pay for it for being rude to me you actually don't know who i am

He left from there meanwhile y/n stamped her feet hardly on the ground being annoyed

Y/n: how this handsome man is so rude and cruel hope so my boss is sweet, god please save me

Then she rushed inside the office

Y/n: good morning where is sir Seokjin's office I am his new secretary 

Receptionist: go to 5th floor then turn right you will see in the door a name plate of CEO

Y/n: thank you so much 

Y/ headed towards his office as she opened the door

Y/n: sir may I come in

Seokjin: (while checking his files in shelf) come in

Y/n: good morning sir I am Choi y/n your new secretary 

As he turned towards y/n to see her he widened his eyes in shock but more than him y/n was in deep shock after seeing him

Seokjin: wait you are my secretary 

Y/n: are you mr Kim Seokjin 

Seokjin: yes (shocked)

Y/n wasn't able to process anything she is in trouble now because the man with whom she fought this morning it's her boss what a bad luck

Seokjin: what are you thinking ms y/n afraid of me

Y/n: no sir how can I actually I am sorry for this morning

Seokjin: I can't easily forgive you the way you behaved with me you really think I can forgive you

Y/n: sir it want my fault and I accept but please don't fire me I really need this job as I am the only income source for my mom

Seokjin: I don't care you will be fired right now let me call my manager

Y/n was crying as she wanted this job real bad but Seokjin is the one who doesn't listens to anyone easily

Seokjin calling John

Seokjin: come to my cabin quickly 

John came to his cabin

John: yes sir any problem

Seokjin: yes a very big problem who did you hire John couldn't you get a better secretary for me why only she

John: sir she has the 100% Match of your requirements and she is really brilliant 

Seokjin: but I want to fire her right now I don't want her here

Y/n: sir please give me a chance I promise sir I will do my best in the job but please don't fire me please sir (crying)

John: (whispering) sir give her a chance she can prove her

Seokjin: ok let me see, y/n of you want to stay here you have complete this challenge can you complete

y/n: yes sir I can you just say what I need to do

Seokjin: ok so the challenge is that for 10 days whatever tasks I will give, you have to complete those but the twist is without any mistake or clumsiness I will keep an eye on you if you do any mistake I will count those and keep and on 11th day you will be kicked out

y/n was in complete shock after hearing this challenge and the biggest problem in her is there will be a mistake whatever she does

y/n: I-I am ready for this

Seokjin: well done and best of luck because you can't survive here that long ms y/n

y/n left from his office and went to her cabin she was so mad at him that she stamped her foot on the ground hardly

y/n: how rude this man is how come I am his secretary now I know why his secretaries left him because of his cruel nature, Jesus you got me only be tortured by this man

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