chapter three.

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Chapter Three!


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THE DRIVE BACK TO THE QUARRY WAS QUIET. After T-Dog admitted to dropping the key, everyone had been thinking about the consequences of leaving Merle behind.

Bowie knew Daryl was going to react badly. It was his brother, first of all, but Daryl already didn't like pretty much everyone at camp.

"Best not to dwell on it," Morales spoke from the front seat. "Merle got left behind. Nobody's gonna be sad he didn't come back. Except maybe Daryl."

"Daryl?" Rick questioned.

"His brother."

The sounds of yelling and hollering interrupted the conversation as Glenn drove past them in his shiny red car.

"At least somebody's having a good day."

Everyone immediately got out of the van to see their families when they made it back to the quarry. Bowie waited for a moment, glancing at his father.

"Are you ready?" he asked, reaching forward to grab Rick's hand.

Rick smiled at his oldest, squeezing his hand. "More than ready."

The two walked out of the van at the same time, Bowie rushing forward right away to hug his little brother and Lori.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're okay, sweetheart," Lori whispered into her son's ear, squeezing him even harder. "I was so worried."

"I'm okay, Mom," Bowie whispered back.

"How'd y'all get out of there anyway?" Shane's voice cut into the reunion.

"New guy... he got us out," Morales answered.

"New guy?"

"Yeah, crazy Vato just got into town," Morales replied. "Hey, Helicopter Boy! Come say hello!" Bowie grinned as his father started to walk toward them. "He's a cop, like you."

Bowie watched with a grin as Carl ran toward their father, letting out an excited yell of "Dad!" Rick picked his youngest son up with a tearful chuckle. Bowie followed after his little brother, letting out a little laugh as his dad immediately pulled him in to join the hug.

Bowie did his best to ignore his mother's hesitance to join in, sending a hidden glare to Shane when he noticed the man's expression as he stared at the family's reunion.

Bowie wasn't stupid. He knew about his mother and Shane. Hell, even Carl knew about Lori and Shane. It wasn't a secret. Bowie just seemed to be the only one holding a grudge.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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