Date Night

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Amelia and Addison had been dating for about 2 years, their relationship originally started when Addison saw Amelia struggling with addiction helped her get clean. Anyways, about a year ago they told eachother they were doms. Both were overjoyed at the fact that they understood and didn't cause a fight, but sad at the same time. Ever since then, the pair had been looking for a little. Finding one was easier said then done though, as most of the people at her work were doms and they didn't want a random little. Finally, their lucky break came when a new surgeon started in the Cardio wing.

"Hi, im yn!" He said, holding his hand out and shaking Amelia's hand firmly.

"Are you new here?" Amelia asked, smiling at his giddiness.

"Yeah, I'm the new Cardio surgeon, and you?" He asked smiling.

"Amelia Shepherd, head of Neuro." Amelia replied smiling back.

"Head of neuro? Wow, brains and beuty!" Yn said before continuing on.

"I think I've just about met all of the doctors here, but I can't seem to find the head of Cardio, do you happen to know where that is?"

"Yeah, I've got to stop at the NICU and see my girlfriend quickly, then I'll show you to the Cardio wing." Amelia said, trying to gage his opinion on the LGBTQ+. Yn just smiled and nodded, then followed Amelia to the NICU.

"Hey babe, who's this?" Addy asked, setting down her chart and walking towards them.

"The new cardio surgeon, yn." Amelia said, giving Addison the, "I think he's little" look.

"Nice to meet you, im Addison Mongomery." She and smiled as she shook yn's hand. Yn gave her a toothy grin in reply.

"Well, I promised I'd show him to the cardio wing, so we'd better get going." Amelia said, winking at Addison. Addy shook her head and smiled. She loved Amelia, but her crazy enthusiasm was a bit much sometimes.

"Andddd.. here we are!" Amelia said, stopping in front of the main cardio entrance.

"Thanks so much, I really appreciate it!" Yn said again and smiled as he walked in. As he turned around to walk in the door, Amelia thought she saw a blue ribbon sticking out of his pocket.

Amelia rushed back to Addison. "I definitely think he's little!" She said, practically jumping up and down.

"Alright, alright, we'll invite him to dinner to get to know him better, how does that sound?" Addy asked, placing her hands on Amelia's shoulders to settle her down. "Thanks Addy." Amelia said, leaning in to give her a kiss.

"Your welcome.." Addison replied and kissed her.

Addison was sitting in the cafeteria taking her lunch break when she saw Yn sitting on a random chair in the corner of the lunchroom.

"Yn, come eat with me!" Addison hollered. Yn looked up and smiled, getting out of the chair and making his way over to her.

"Alright, I know it's your first day, but how are you liking GreySloan?" Addison asked.

"It's so awesome, everyone is so nice!" Yn said excitedly. Addy could tell what Amelia was talking about, he sure is energetic.

"Well, Amelia and I wanted to know if you wanted to go to dinner with us so we could get to know you better. It's alright if you don't want to, I know you just met us today." Addy said, setting down her fork. Yn thought for a minute, then replied, "Yeah, i'd love too!"

"Alright, let me give you Amelia and my number." Addison said. Yn pulled out his phone and handed it to her. Addison put in their numbers and handed the phone back to yn. As he was putting it away, she noticed his phone case. "I like your phone case, it sure is cute."

Yn smiled and looked at his phone case before stuffing it into his pocket. It was a light blue teddy bear with a white ribbon around it's neck. "Well, my lunch is almost over, but I'll text you. Addison said and smiled before getting up and trashing her lunch. After she got out of the cafeteria. She texted Amelia that Yn said yes to dinner, then went back to the NICU to check her patients.

The rest of the day went slowly, Yn just couldn't wait for the day to end so he could go to dinner with Addison and Amelia. Finally, it was five o'clock, and yn left to go home and get changed. When he got home he showered and picked out a nice light blue button up with black slacks. He rechecked his phone to make sure he got the address right, and saw a new message from Addison.

Addison- Hey, can we pick you up?

Yn replied quickly. "If you want to it's fine by me, my adress is ××××."

Addison- Alright, be there in twenty.

Yn thought about grabbing a jacket, but decided against it becuase he was already wearing a long sleeve. He waited by the door until he heard a honk and then walked out to the car. He sat in the backseat awkwardly patting his thighs until Amelia started a conversation. "So, how old are you?"

"I'm 37, how about you?"

"I'm 38, and Addy is 55." Amelia said.

"Whens your birthday?" Amelia asked.

"Uhh, December I think." Yn said. Amelia was about to ask about why he had to think about thay much before answering but Addison interrupted. "We're here!"

They got out of the car and headed into the resteraunt. Once they got seated they ordered their drinks and continued talking.

"So.." Amelia started. "Why'd you have to think so hard about when your birthday was?"

"Its just.. I don't really celebrate it so I kind of forget." Yn said looking down at the table.

"It's alright.. what day is it?" Addison said, trying to make light of the situation.

"31st, when's your guy's birthday?" Yn replied.

"Mines October 13th, and Amelia's is February 16th."

Their conversation was cut short when the waitress came with their food.

The rest of the dinner was eaten with light conversation about favorite foods, colors, and other stuff. The check came soon after and before either of the women could pick it up Yn grabbed it and stuffed his debit card in, giving it back to the waitress.

"And just what do you think you're doing?" Amelia asked, giving Yn the classic mom look.

"Paying the bill, you invited me out and drove me here, it's the least I could do." Yn said and smiled, pretending not to see the look he was just given. Addison and Amelia looked at eachother and decided it wasn't worth the trouble.

After yn got his card back, they walked to the car and started the drive to Yns house. Around the from the passenger seat and noticed yn was sleeping. "Addy look at Yn." Addison looked in the rear view mirror and smiled. "I definitely think he's little." She said.

"Well yeah, but do you think.." Amelia started. "We need to get to know him better before considering it, but so far I'd say yes." Addy said, smiling at Amelia. Amelia jumped up and down in her seat with excitement. "Sometimes I think your a little." Addy said, making the both of them laugh.

Finally, they reached Yn's house and woke yn up. "Hey, we're at your house." Amelia said, shaking yn's leg. Yn woke up and looked around. "Did I fall asleep in your car? I am so sorry!" Yn said and hurried out of their car. "Hey, it's alright, we'll see you at work tomorrow." Addison said and both women waved goodbye, watching him try to unlock his front door. "I mean you've got to admit he has a nice butt." "Amelia Shepherd!" Addison said, shocked at her statement. "Oh c'mon we were both thinking it!" Amelia shouted back. "Okay, maybe.." Addison said. Suddenly Yn turned around with a red face.  "I CAN STILL HEAR YOU!" He shouted and walked into his home. Addison and Amelia looked at eachother silently for a moment, then they both bursted out laughing.

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