When Bad Luck, turns Good - Harry Styles

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Chapter 1

A/N Hi! Ok im just going to apologise if any of the spellings are a bit wrong cause this is my first story on wattpad.Follow me on twitter @1Dgomezzz or kik me at (morgan2001e)! Also, credit to my sister @mayniac_tw/@UnionJFanFics for thinking of the name. :) Vote/Comment!

Ellie's POV

"ELLIE! For the last time get down here now! Or I'll take that laptop of yours away for good!" Mum yelled up the stairs.

"Ok! Coming!" I said closing my laptop, and rushing down the stairs and into the living room were mum was sitting waiting and my dad that was sitting doing a crossword.

"What?" I asked with a frown.

"Well, you know how Jessie was desperate for them One Direction tickets?" Mum explained.

"What are you trying to tell me?" I asked.

"Ellie go and take a seat next to your dad." I did as I was told and took a seat next to my dad who suddenly stoped doing that crossword and looked at me .

"Well, Ellie, your mum and I thought ,you know Jessie is turning 13 this year and we thought maybe we should do samething special this year for her birthday and yeah so..." There was an awkward pause.

"So, what?" I asked. My dad carried on.

"We found this website that had really good prices of One Direction tickets and we got her some!" My dad said with a great big smile on his face. Can't believe it, Jessie has been the craziest One Direction fan since the X-Factor and she's always wanted to go and see them live, I dont know why shes so crazy about them cause i just hate them, I would rather die than listen to their music. The Wanted are so much better than them!

"It's great Isn't it, and since your dad broke his leg..." My mum began happily as if it was a good thing that dad broke his leg. I sat there looking at the cast on his leg. He broke it last week in a car crash, so its not just dads leg thats broke, our one and only awesome blue car is now in bits!

"Yeah and I'm at work that night," I looked at her hoping she wouldn't mention my name. "So, you can go with her!"

When Bad Luck, turns Good - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now