Planes and Hamsters

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Strangely enough, on the island, there airport? In the distance as she walked, Yumiko could see large white planes sprawled out against the cement. Excitement flared in her chest. Were they operable or not? Surely someone amongst these Ultimates knew how to pilot a plane, right? As she, Nagito, and Hajime entered the airport with the intent of exploring, she caught sight of a few Ultimates lingering around.

Wearing a knee-length black unzipped jacket, a long maroon scarf wrapped around his neck, The Ultimate Breeder stood peering up at the tall glass windows and banner hanging from one corner, boldly proclaiming: "Welcome to Paradise!" He was oddly pale, probably didn't get outside too much, with his dark hair slicked back into a single curl.

A few feet away, Yumiko spied the Ultimate Mechanist, with short badly layered hot pink dyed hair, and a black beanie on top of his head. He was wearing a bright green-yellow jumpsuit with several pockets and a lightning bolt symbol on the right side of his chest. Again, Yumiko didn't judge them on their fashion sense. She too had picked an odd variety of clothing.

"Airplanes?" Hajime suddenly muttered out loud. "Couldn't we just use those planes to escape this island?" Yumiko had been thinking similarly. But it couldn't just be that easy...could it?

"Nah, that's impossible," The Ultimate Mechanic spoke up, grinning slightly. Yumiko recoiled at the fact that he had spiky teeth. Was he born like that? Or had he gotten them...shaped in that certain way? She didn't want to think about it. "If they were damaged, I could fix 'em, but it looks like these planes are just for show..." So Yumiko's concerns had been confirmed. These planes weren't operable. Why have an airport on an island and fill it with planes, only to make it just for show?

"What do you mean, they're just for show?" Yumiko asked, tilting her head in curiosity. "Were any of the parts disassembled? Could we find them? Could we fix it?" The Ultimate Mechanic shrugged.

"The engines have been all removed. Nothing I can do about that...and nah, I can't find them either."

"...completely removed?" Hajime exclaimed. The person who brought us to the island must have done this, Yumiko thought grimly, pursing her lips in disappointment.

"Oh, that reminds me..." The Ultimate Mechanic said, gesturing to Hajime. "You and me haven't been introduced yet, right...?" He gave him a thumbs up, flashing him a toothy smile. "Name's Kazuichi Soda. I'm the Ultimate Mechanic. Nice to meet ya'."

"As expected from someone called the Ultimate Mechanic, Kazuichi is a savant when it comes to fixing machines," Nagito informed them. "If he says it's impossible to fix these planes, then they're truly beyond repair." Yumiko nodded at this new information, smiling slightly despite the disappointment. She had really hoped this could be a way to escape. But seemed futile to even think about that possibility. They really wouldn't be able to escape, would they? But there had to be another way to get off this island...

"Even actually remove the engines, whoever's keeping us here must've planned this to a T," Kazuichi commented. Yumiko nodded in agreement.

"Right?" She said, "I wonder how long it took for them to remove all the planes' engines. How strange..."

"Yeah, it's pretty strange." Kazuichi ran a hand over his tar colored beanie. "But I think it's an acceptable level of strange, y'know?" Yumiko raised an eyebrow.

"An acceptable level of strangeness? What do you mean?"

"Well, think about's not like we're being forced to do something dangerous or anything..." That was...true. Usami was quite clear about the fact that they weren't here to be forced to do anything...terrible. Yumiko shuddered at the thought of it. Hadn't something similar happened before? Kids...trapped somewhere with no recollection of how they were brought there...funny how she couldn't recall the source she'd read it from. But, maybe they were brought to this island using those planes? Maybe, like how they had experienced amnesia in the classroom, their memories were somehow erased of that plane flight...? It seemed too absurd to be true. They didn't have the technology for memory wipers...did they? Yumiko smiled at the thought of how advanced technology had become. To create something like Usami...that was a huge technological advancement. So surely they could have memory wipers....

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