37 - 9 Years With You..

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Taehyung felt his heart soar in happiness. It's not that he had any doubts about it, but it definitely felt good to have your proposal accepted.

He pulled out from the embrace and reached into his pocket to pull out a maroon velvet box. Jungkook's eyes sparkled with wonder when he saw the round purple stone shining on top of the silver coloured ring.

"Oh my God!" Jungkook exclaimed in a whisper. "Is that a-?"

"It's a purple diamond." Taehyung answered the unasked question. "Like the one you saw in Prague a few years back."

"But-" Jungkook was lost for words.

Of course he remembered the stone, he had been so amazed by its deep purple shade and sheer power it seemed to be radiating. He had a hard time taking his eyes off that stone so naturally, that's all he could talk about for the next couple of days back at home too. So Jungkook had a good idea about how rare and expensive this ring must be, considering its fairly large size.

"It's so big."

Taehyung laughed softly at that awed voice. "I wanted to go for a bigger size but I knew you'd be uncomfortable with that."

Jungkook only gave a nod, before extending his hand. "Put it on me?"


Taehyung got up from his kneeling position and gently pulled Jungkook up. He then sat down on the chair and guided Jungkook to sit on his lap, his own hand sneaking around the idol's waist to keep him secure there. Jungkook already had his hand extended and when Taehyung slid the ring up his finger, he had to press his free palm over his own mouth to stop the sobs.

Taehyung gave a soft kiss to the ring, and then to each of Jungkook's other fingers. He looked up at his now fiance and gave a soft smile.

"Looks perfect on you, baby."

"I know right!" Jungkook chuckled tearfully. "I need to get you a matching one too."

"Okay." Taehyung gently pushed Jungkook from his lap and sat on his own chair. "It's custom made. I'll give you their contact information."

"Hmm.. A green one would look nice on you."

Taehyung nodded at that, confirming his agreement to that. Green is his favorite color, just like purple is Jungkook's.

"When did you plan all this?"

"Hmm.. took a few days, nothing much. I had earlier planned to have this at home but when Yoongi hyung scheduled the wrap party for today, I had to change plans. And besides, the rooftop seems like the best place, given that's where we met."

Jungkook gave a soft smile at that. Yes, roof top definitely is the best place to celebrate their anniversary. To celebrate the day they first met, 9 years ago.

"And Jimin and Hoseok helped to get the food and everything in. Well, Hoseok did all that while Jimin only had to keep you busy."

"No way! That must be why he kept pulling me to the dance floor. And he didn't let me eat anything."

"Sorry, baby." Taehyung chuckled merrily at that. "I was worried you'd be too full to have dinner with me otherwise."

"Well, here's to us." Jungkook raised his wine glass and Taehyung followed suit too. "Happy anniversary, Tae. I'll forever be grateful for the day I met you for the first time. These 9 years have been the best of my life. I love you."

Taehyung leaned over the table and held Jungkook's hand, and caressed the purple stone. "I love you too, baby."

For the next 15 or so minutes, they busied themselves with the delicious dinner Taehyung had prepared for them. It was not much, since they had to finish quickly so that the people in the party would not notice their absence.

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