27 - Apologies... And News Articles..

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Taehyung and Jungkook were not speaking to each other. In the past 8 years of being together, this is the first time they were genuinely upset to actively avoid each other's company. 

There were many things that Taehyung regretted about this whole thing, starting with keeping things a secret from Jungkook to losing his rational mind in their last conversation. He knew he should have handled things differently. Had he told Jungkook the truth about Sana, none of this would have happened. They may be of the same age but Jungkook had always been his baby. And instead of reassuring the latter, Taehyung made things even worse with his semi-intoxicated blabbering.

They were both at fault but Taehyung understood that his contribution to this mess is higher. He wanted to apologize but Jungkook was not giving him an opportunity. At least, that's what he keeps telling himself, but deep down, Taehyung knew that he wasn't making much sense with that claim. All he had to do was go to Jungkook's apartment.

Guess he's not yet ready for another confrontation.

Jungkook was feeling like shit too. He hated coming back to the empty apartment everyday. Taehyung's embrace was his biggest stress reliever and not having access to that was starting to take a toll on him. Not to mention all the additional work he has taken in. He was using work as a distraction, even though he doesn't have anything urgent scheduled for a while. 

Others at the set noticed the tension and the less than friendly air between the two male actors. They were hardly looking at each other, let alone speaking, unless they were shooting a scene.

Hoseok didn't ask and Jungkook didn't tell. As soon as shooting finishes for the day, Jungkook quickly walks to his trailer for a dress change and then leaves immediately. Everyone was wondering whether something happened between them but that's all they could do. Wonder. Cause neither of them were saying anything.

It looked as if HanSang and Min-Hyuk's feud spilled over to Taehyung and Jungkook.  


"You have a variety show recording at 10.30am. I couldn't get it rescheduled so I talked with Yoongi and got your shoot pushed back to 3pm."


"They will have the 1st scene only. There won't be daylight for the other scene."


"I have contacted the studio regarding your outfit and I'm just waiting for the final-"


Hoseok looked up from the tab he was reading and was startled to see Jungkook's unfocused gaze. "Yes, Kookie?"

"I had a fight with Taehyung." Jungkook's voice sounded strained. "It's.. bad."

Hoseok put the tablet on the table and gave his full attention to Jungkook. "Do you wanna talk about it? I'm here for you."

"We argued." Jungkook sighed as he slumped back into his chair. "It's mostly us being stupid. But.."


"He said some things that really hurt me."

"Oh.." Hoseok gave an understanding smile. "Are you waiting for an apology?"

"Yes." Jungkook sighed. "And no."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I would appreciate it if he apologized but I haven't really given him a chance to do it either. And I feel like I should apologize too but I'll do that only when I mean honestly it."

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