Those Two

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They were best friends, maybe even more like brothers' people would say. They always were partners for group projects or for two people. At lunch they always sat together, they sat in a corner and played music while they talked about their favorite things. They'd come over after school and they would watch their favorite movies while eating pizza. They were two never one. They had sleepovers and even secret after parties with just the two of them. As much as it sounds weird, they shared their clothes, it's like they lived at each other's house. They even went through a lot together. There was one night when it was just the two of them at Jay's house, they were excited, thinking nothing could go wrong because it was just the two of them. Oh, how they were wrong, they decided to go out to walk and listen to music and just talk, they walked to the gas station to buy their usual monsters and strawberry pocky.

When they got their snacks, they were walking to Jay's house, but they had spotted their favorite building, it was their favorite because they could go on the roof, so they decided to go on the roof instead and watch the city lights at midnight, it was the best feeling in the world. As they were sitting there just listening to music and eating Liam said something that Jay would never forget, "I'm sick" Liam said with the calmest voice, and Jay thought he had meant that he had a common cold or something like that, so Jay told him that they should go home and make Liam get better, but when Jay looked at him he smiled at him but he was crying and he said "No Jay, I mean I'm dying" Jay didn't understand, how could Liam say that while smiling, Jay was so shocked and in that moment, Jay lost control, Jay suddenly was a crying mess on top of their favorite place while their favorite song played Tunnel Of Love by Mind's Eye.

Everything in Jay's mind suddenly disappeared Jay had one thought only why, why was this happening to Liam and why not him, he didn't do anything wrong I'm the one who deserves this. But before Jay could even say anything to Liam, Liam pulled Jay into his arms and said "Jay please don't blame yourself for this, you don't deserve it, and we can't switch places" he said, Jay new Liam wasn't going to let him blame himself, so Jay just stayed silent as they cried in each other's arms. After some time went by Jay said "I have an idea, I'm going to spend every last minute with you" Jay saw the look on Liam's face "Ok Jay, when do you wanna start" Liam said "Right now, right here, it's perfect." Jay said with some calm in his voice. As the two boys stayed on the roof listening to their music, Jay suddenly stood up, he grabbed Liam's hand and pulled him up, as Liam got up Jay took his sweater off and gave it to Liam and said "For now on, we will wear these sweaters until time is over, this will be a promise to us, for it you don't make it" Jay paused then continued to say "I will not continue to go on with life, but to join you" Jay's Face had no sad, angry, or happy expression on his face it was just a blank expression, "If that's is really what you want, then I will not stop you from doing so." Liam said as he was taking off his sweater and giving Jay it.

As the night went on they decided to go back to Jay's house. As they were walking back Liam had realized that if they both were going to be gone just like that, it wouldn't seem fair, so he said "Hey Jay, how about we make a book?" Jay looked at him confused "What do you mean a book?" Jay asked "I mean like a book where we take photos of everything we do and write down what we did that day" Liam said "I like that, it seems fun time make anyway" Jay said as happy he could get in that moment. Once Jay and Liam got to Jay's house and walked to Jay's room, they tried looking for an empty book big enough for however long they had. Soon enough Jay had checked his art room and found one, "Do you have a printer by any chance" asked Liam "Yeah, we could print all the pictures out and glue them in" Jay said.

Liam ended up staying over, and the next day they got to work, when they went to school people had noticed their change, they noticed the switched sweaters, the way they looked at each other, and they even noticed the book they had, and even though Liam and Jay had always stuck together, you could tell that they stuck together more than usual. Today at school Liam told Jay he had always wanted to skip class, so they chose the class they both hated to skip. When the time came Jay and Liam went into the bathroom stall to hide in. After they heard the bell, they decided to go outside and walk and walk to the gas station across the school, and like any other time they got the same thing, their ultra strawberry dreams monster and their strawberry pocky. They had walked back to school and realized that when they got back class was over so they decided to just go to that class then go to lunch and skip the rest.

Even though they knew that their parents would be mad at them and yell at them when they got home, and maybe even tell them they couldn't see each other they'd sneak out and go to their favorite spot. But when Liam got home his parents didn't bother because Liam didn't tell Jay that he had just a week left. Jay on the other hand got yelled at and sent to his room. However, the same night he snuck out from his window onto his roof and jumped on to the trampoline and left through the back gate. As Jay and Liam walked to their favorite place again with the same drinks and snack and now the book, Liam said "Jay, I forgot to tell you one thing, about me dying" Jay looked at him confused then said "Well what is it?" Liam looked down ignoring Jay's Facebook "I only have a week to live" Jay was surprised but not that surprised "Ok, then let's make this the best last week, for the both of us" Jay said smiling completely shocking Liam with that response, but ignoring it, Liam said "Ok, I like that idea".

They got to the roof and sat at the edge with their legs hanging off. Liam had suddenly asked "Jay, why would you want to leave the world behind when I'm gone instead of staying here living the world out?" Jay didn't say anything for some time but then said, "Well Liam, if you really want to know then, then I'll tell you why" Jay paused for a second like he was trying to think of a reason until he finally said "The reason why is because if you're not here then I don't see a world to live in" Jay paused again before speaking once more "Liam if you're not here, then I don't see or want to live out the world I wouldn't see" Liam didn't say anything for a while neither did Jay it was just silence until Liam said "If it were you in my body I think I would have done the same thing" and with that the two the two came up with the "best" idea. For the last day they were going to run away, but ran away meant to the roof, but would leave clues to where to find them or maybe or maybe even just Jay if Liam went earlier. But by the time they would find them or just Jay they would be gone already, and the only thing they would find is Jay's note explaining why he did what he did. As days went by the two kept getting in trouble, skipping class, yelling in other classes, throwing things, and talking back to the teachers. Jay's parents were over the moon with him and were done with him, so when they got home some where around midnight, they went to Jay's room only to find it empty with one note saying "To mom and dad and Liam's parents, from Jay and Liam" Jay's parents wanted to read the note but if Liam's parents were added they needed to be involved. So Jay's parents drove over to Liam's house, they knocked on the door and Liam's mom opened the door.

As Liam's parents welcomed Jay's parents in Jay's parents had told the two to sit down for this, as they all sat wondering what the note had read Jay's mom opened it and read out loud "Dear parents, if you are reading this, that means the time has come, the last day or as you may say Friday. You might wonder why me, and Liam have been acting the way we did if, you liked to know please go to our favorite spot, the tall abandoned building roof where you can see the beautiful city lights. Sincerely your sons, Liam and Jay" without a single thought coming they drove to the building, as they finally got to the top, they saw the boy's shoes put I pairs and the book in the middle. As they ran for the book they panicked as they flipped through the book looking at all the pictures and notes they took all up till Friday. As they got to the last two pages that said Friday they saw the picture of the boys holding hands standing at the edge of the building, and again as Jay's mom read out loud "Dear mom, if you are reading this, it is the last day for me and Liam I am sorry for leaving so early but I wouldn't see a world living out with Liam, and if you don't know what is going on with Liam, Liam had been sick for a long time and had just told me Sunday, but told me o  Tuesday that he only had one week to live so I, I as in me Jay not Liam came up with the idea that when it was the last day, Friday, I would leave with Liam, and so me and Liam have been wearing each other's favorite sweaters as a promise, that when the day came we would go to our favorite spot and play our favorite song on repeat have our favorite drinks and snacks there with this very book and shoes, we would jump. I know this is a lot to take in and deal with, I am truly sorry I just wanted to make this mine and mostly Liam's best and final week ever, and as Liam says it was, I have filled my dying wish." Their parents didn't know what to say but just cry.
AUTHOR HERE!!!!  This is my first story that I am writing, I also wrote this when I was in school.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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