Chapter 3 - don't you worry

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Chapter three is here 🥳 Sooo, I liked the last chapter, you apparently didn't as much 😂 Just a quick reminder that likes or comments or at best both motivate us more than anything! Knowing that you like a story or a chapter, means the world and really keeps me going. So if you like this one, please let me know somehow.

Also way more important: Leigh is (probably) getting married this weekend! How exciting is that!! 

Now enough being said, enjoy this new chapter! 🥰

Jade POV

Way too early wake up call, still half asleep packing the bags, down to the lobby, into the van and off to the airport. It is still dark when we drive through the streets of Rio and have to say goodbye to the American continent for the time being. Starting in New York at the sold-out Madison Square Garden, across the East Coast and then along the West Coast, then to Jamaica, to Mexico and once around South America. We've seen more here than ever before. Leigh and I went to every club we could be in, tasting our way through national dishes and making lots of memories. It was exciting and yet very tiring.

It's a vicious cycle that has crept in. I can't sleep at night, I'd rather get drunk or knock myself out and be dead tired the next day. I keep blocking out the fact that I'm not really physically capable of this lifestyle. The after-effects of the chemo are still deep-seated, I get tired more quickly than the others, need more rest breaks than before, but hardly ever listen to them.

There are just some moments when my body clearly communicates that I need to take a break or it takes it for itself and that's how it feels this morning. With great difficulty I can keep my eyes open. My eyes are burning, red, my head is pounding, everything is spinning, I have to cling to Perrie, wearily rest my head on her shoulder as we drive and don't let go of her hand as we get off.

Usually I have to listen to a comment or two when I'm like this, being asked if the night before was too wild again, what I've been drinking, while Jesy has her own theories. But not today. Not when the wake-up call in the morning is way too early for all of us. Not when we are about to set off on a 20 hour plus journey.

As we sit on the plane, it's not long before everyone has their headphones in and their eyes closed.

"Don't you want to get some sleep too?" murmurs Perrie, her head already on my shoulder, her eyes already closed as well.

"I'll try," I reply with a smile, taking her hand and resting it on my lap, waiting a few minutes to hear her soft snore before allowing my thoughts to drift off. I look out the window, listen as it promptly goes quiet around me and everyone falls asleep, while I am once again doomed to experience the long hours of flying awake.

After the first five hours we make a stopover in Chile, the plane is refuelled and Paul's assistant runs out to bring us breakfast. We don't even dare to leave the plane, just stay seated, the others continue to sleep while I immerse myself in my tv show. We munch on our breakfast, chat a bit before everyone goes back to sleep and I spend the next 13 hours waiting to finally arrive. I'm often tempted to just raid the bar's supplies and help myself to the alcoholic beverages, but I don't, to my own surprise. Because, for the first time in a long time, I feel sick on the plane today. I blame it on the hangover, on the length of the flight, on breakfast, without really being sure. But for hours I sit in my window seat, staring at the clouds and debating several times whether I should now go to the toilet to relieve myself of the suffering or continue sitting here all nauseous.

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