S e v e n

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"So is this what your into these days?Laying on the ground at parties."I tease,trying to be casual about the whole situation.The one where Emma walked in on me kissing another girl.

I couldn't grasp the fact that she was standing there. I don't know why I pushed the girl away straight away when I saw Emma.

"I'm trying to view life from a different angle."

"I see your still very clumsy." I nod.

"It wasn't my fault."

"You should get cleaned up."my comment could end our conversation.She could have smiled and let me walk away.She could have let me leave but she doesn't.

"You think? I thought I would just leave it like this actually. It is such a beautiful stain,isn't it?"

"Yeah,now that you mention it.It looks pretty trendy.Made by someone with such skill full hands and not clumsy at all."her eyes roll before she hits my leg.

"Shut up."a laugh leaves her lips as she stands up.

"I haven't found the bathroom yet because of all these rooms."she looks down the hallway. "How many people live here?Are they housing the football team? She  giggles.

"We are not." Emma's head turns towards me with confusion on her face.

"Did you just say 'we'?"she frowns when I nod.

"I did indeed."

"You live here?" She asks.

"How did you not know?"I ask her.

"You do know that is my housewarming party?" She blink's trying to figure out how she didn't know this.

"This is your housewarming party!" I laugh at her response.

"Liv never told me," she states. I wonder would she be here if she had known.

"I bet you she did but you probably daydreaming."Like you are now.

I assume she is daydreaming for a couple of reasons.1: I expect her to roll eyes at my comment or defend herself.2: She used to have the same expression when she was overthinking something or really trying to concentrate.Her eyes all of a sudden widen, she slaps her hand on my arm and turns to look at me.

"Fuck, I didn't bring you a present." I gasp.

"Wow.Shame on you.Now I'm going to have to ask you to leave."she tilts her head,not shocked by my answer at all.

"Can I bargain?" I lift an eyebrow at her offer.

"That depends on what you're offering."

"I have..."she starts feeling down her body and stops when she feels something.Her hand goes underneath her top. I stare her fascinated when she pulls out her phone,keys,lip gloss, and a tissue.How the help did that fit in there,where did it go?

"I know what I can give you."her voice full of excitement. "Okay,close your eyes." I stare at the objects she has wondering where she is going with all this.


"Because it's a surprise." I mutter "fine"before giving in and closing my eyes. The only sign that I know she is still here is by her soft knee brushing against my thigh every time she moves.It's is all I can focus on.My breathing stops when my fingers touch her knee.My eyes immediately open and connect with hers.They're are filled with confusion.Her lips part and her breath stops.

I know she wouldn't do that because she pushed me away three years ago.She doesn't want this.She doesn't want me to slide my hand up.She doesn't want me to brush my fingers through her hair. She doesn't want me to pull her closer so that I can kiss her.

Images flash through my head.


I pull my hand away. "I'm sorry,you were just..."

"No,no it's fine. I do that sometimes without even realising.It was annoying."actually it was distracting.

I squeeze my eyes shut,removing the thought.She doesn't have any effect on me. I won't let her have an effect on me.It's like she said,annoying.That's all. I clear my throat hoping that it would also clear my mind.

"I didn't see what you were doing so..."

"That's okay, I'm done."her word's telling me how bad she wants to move on from the previous moment.That's a good plan. I totally agree with that.

"You can look."the first thing I see when I open my eyes is the twinkle in her eyes at how proud and excitement she is.Then my eyes move to the flower In her hand made from a dirty tissue.

"This can't die,"she winks. "And please don't focus on the stain. I tried to clean my top with it." I take it from her hands.

"I didn't know you could do this."

"I learned how to do it last year when I was setting our dinner table the first dinner me,your sister and Charlotte had in our apartment," she explains. I tear my eyes away from her and pack to the beautiful little flower she made.

"It's very impressive."her mouth turns into a grin at my comment.

"Good enough for you not to kick me out?"

"You bought yourself a little bit more time." I hear myself say,even though I know how dangerous it could get.

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