dream come true

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The next morning, Eliza avoided looking at Tom. Every time she saw his face, flashes of her dreams would take over her mind. Her cheeks would flush each time at those thoughts, feeling embarrassed that she had those thoughts about him of all people.

She was ashamed that she thought that way, feeling it so difficult to control her own mind. She thought it was dirty and highly inappropriate to think like that but she hated that she loved that feeling she got at the thought of the things he did to her in her dreams.

What she didn't know was that Tom could very well see what she was thinking. He had trained her to block out her thoughts, but since she was frantically trying to push out the thoughts, she didn't defend her mind well enough.

It amused Tom greatly to see her flustered. He saw how much she didn't want those thoughts in her head, and he found it utterly hilarious the way she dealt with it.

She wasn't necessarily innocent or naive in a sense, but rather just slightly traditional in the way she was thought. And it wasn't more the dream itself that she didn't like, but she hated that it was about him. If it had been anyone else, she truly would not have minded as much.

Tom loved how she got every time she looked at him then. It was very different from how they usually functioned. By fifth period, she was beginning to calm down. But of course, Tom found that boring.

So, with the intention to help her fulfil her dreams, his hand grazed her thigh lightly in potions class as Professor Slughorn went on about stirring techniques and their importance. Eliza stilled suddenly, the hand she was writing notes with stopping and going slack.

His fingers went up and down her thigh through her uniform skirt, edging closer to her core with each stroke until his hand finally came to rest at the waistband on her underwear.

He played with the waist band, while casually writing notes with his other hand and nodding along to Slughorn's words. His hand edged inside the waistband, almost achingly slow. The metal of his rings was cold against her heated skin, making her shudder lightly. He dragged his fingers through her slick folds, her back arching just slightly so as to not seem like something was going on.

"Aren't you a dirty little girl?" He whispered in her ear, his breath warm against her ear as he leaned over acting as though he needed a quill.

His fingers teased her aching clit gently, circling with increasing speed. As his pace quickened slightly and became steadily faster, she bit her lip to avoid moaning, so hard that it began to draw blood. Her hand clutched the edge of the table as tears threatened to slip from the pleasure she received at his fingertips. 

He loved seeing her like this- all red and flustered. He had an urge to hear her moans but he'll do that some other time. For then, just teasing her like that was enough.

He continued at his pace, making it terribly difficult for her to not let out a sound and keep a calm expression.

"Any questions?" Slughorn asked, looking around the class. "Ms. Montgomery, are you quite alright, dear?"

Tom resisted the urge to smirk as he turned to look at her, waiting for a response like the rest of the class. His pace did not drop once as she begun to answer.

Realising that her words were not going to be convincing, she smiled plastered a smile on her face and nodded.

"Alright then. You should let Madam Pomfrey have a look at you though. You look awfully reddish. Anyhow, seeing no questions, I shall be ending class now. Thank you all. I look forward to seeing your assignments next week. Please work in pairs, the library is more than open for you to use. Come to me if you have any questions."

Everyone thanked the professor as they began to pack their things. Tom abruptly stopped, leaving her unsatisfied as he trailed his fingers down her thigh and then cast a wandless nonverbal spell on his hand to make the wetness disappear. As he got up, he leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"Did that happen in the dream as well, darling?" He smiled at herwith mock pity and concern as she somehow turned even redder than she had been. She didn't reply, silently packing up her things and walking away quickly.

Her quick wasn't very fast however, considering that her legs were a lot shorter than his, it barely took him any effort to catch up.

"Shut up Tom." She said, glaring at him.

"I didn't say anything." He looked at her, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "When do you want to work on the project?" He walked beside her with his hands in his pocket at a regular pace not struggling to keep up with her fastest walk.

"I'm not going to do it with you. The project. I'm not going to do the project with you." She stopped in the middle of the hallway and turned to face him, straining her neck to see him.

"Well who are you going to do it with if not me?" He said, then adding with a smirk, "The project, I mean."

"I'm sure there will be someone else willing to do the project with me."

His hand reached out to her face, tucking the loose strands of her hair behind her ear, lightly trailing his finger to her lips. "Oh, but don't you just love being with me." He said, with a false mocking sadness on his face.

"Shut up Tom. You're the one who said you'd marry me." She said the only thing she deemed worthy of saying.

"Only because you asked." He raised an eyebrow at her, withdrawing his hand.

"Shut up." She gave up, going back to walking away fast.

"No, I don't think I want to." He said matter-of-factly, once more barely putting in any effort to catch up with her.

They walked like that all the way to lunch where Eliza very pointedly sat in between Theo and Orion instead of her usual place between Abraxas and Tom.

Everyone realised that something was wrong when she did that. She only ever sat apart from him when she was mad at something he did.

"What happened?" Abraxas asked Tom, as he sat down and saw the change in seating.

"She's just throwing a fit. She'll be fine." Tom replied nonchalantly, eating his food as though nothing was different.

Eliza on the other hand, was angrily munching away, making everyone at the table wonder what had happened.

"Are you okay?" Theodore asked her hesitantly, unsure if it was a good idea to talk to her when she was in that mood.

"No. No, I am not." She glared at Tom as she said that, who seemed unconcerned by the daggers she glared at him. "He's a twat, you know that?" She said, biting her bread harsher than necessary.

Theodore just looked up at Orion from behind her head as they both just exchanged a confused look.

"I'm going." Eliza announced as she walked away from the table after her lunch, putting her plate away and then going and sitting with a group of girls that she barely spoke to. They all looked at her with raised eyebrows as she sat down with them, greeting them a strangely bitter 'hello'.

The last time she sat with them was around six years ago during her first month at Hogwarts before she met Abraxas and Tom. She barely ever even observed the girls' presence after that point.

"Hi." Poppy Parkinson said, her nose scrunched up as she eyed Eliza. The girls exchanged looks amongst themselves.

"Did Riddle finally get bored of this girl?" Some Slytherin girl whispered to her friend beside her, snickering like children.

Eliza shot them a dirty look, unamused at their humour. Luckily by the time she decided to leave, the bell rung signalling the end of lunch break.

Grateful for the escape, she picked up her books and went to her next class- the only class she had without Tom.

a/n: so you probably didn't expect that to happen 💀 but neither did I

i don't write smut scenes or spicy scenes a lot but i hope it was okay enough or at least mid 😭

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