Chapter 9

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Constantine POV

"She has denied your order, Constantine," Rico informs me apathetically.

My lips tug upwards as I lean back in my leather chair and settle my clasped hands against my lower abdomen.

Pride fills me despite her defiance that would have led to the death of any of my men who would have thought to do the same.

"Very well," I say as my smirk transforms to a satisfied smile. Seems as if Carina has taken what I said and has decided to use this newfound knowledge on me rather than her brother and papa. Nonetheless, I'm just pleased she's realizing her worth and exercising her demands for a change. All of her life has been controlled by her papa, her brother, and even her mamma. If she ever wants to become the Queen on the chess board Carina needs to stop acting as the pawn her family has forced her to become.

Rico tilts his head to the side and raises his brow, an act of my mine he's adopted to appear engaging while in conversation. "And you are pleased about this." He states rather than asks.

"I am pleased that she is forming a spine, Rico," I correct him. "I am pleased that she is using a mind of her own without influence."

"Even though it's against you."

"Si." A dark chuckle escapes me as my smile turns wicked. "Soon enough she'll be standing up to her papa and dear fratello." Disgust plagues me as I mention them. But it dissipates quickly when I think of their demise by their own pawn. "And when that day comes, Rico, our world as we know it will change."

"You sound eager for this new world, Constantine. Why, I have no clue, since you are already the King."

"A King is nothing without his Queen." I don't expect Rico to understand since he doesn't have his actions governed by his emotions. He can't possibly understand what lengths I'll go to, and what it means to have someone by my side. Someone who I can consider a true equal. And once Carina accepts the darkness within her, once she cuts the strings her papa controls her with, she will be my perfect equal.

"I'll have to take your word for it."

That causes a genuine laugh from me, one Rico doesn't respond to.

Rising from my chair I button my suit jacket. Rico stands properly on guard and ready for my command. "Do you have her location?"

He nods his head. "Staten Island. Saint Peter's Cemetery."

Carina is visiting her mamma's grave. It will be her first visit since she had placed a bullet in the center of her little brother's head.

Before then she had visited her mamma weekly.

I wonder what brought about this sudden change.

Out of the various hidden drawers I have under and around my desk, I place my thumbprint on the finger scan and the drawer located on the top right sides open. Taking the burner phone I call the only contact it possesses.

He answers on the first ring, "Yes, Don?"

"What were her exact words?"

He clears his throat but I can still hear the amusement in his tone as he echoes her words, "After I had explained you wait for no one she simply said, 'and now he'll wait for one. Capisce?' It's the most resolute and unswerving I have seen her since I've been her bodyguard."

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