Chapter 5

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Constantine POV

"This isn't wise, Constantine," my consigliere, Rico, warns me with a tone that is emotionless."Showing up at Don Fiore's household without notice nor a meeting is a blatant sign of disrespect."

As if I care about gaining the respect of Savio Fiore.

Every man bows before me.

I take a puff of my Cuban cigar, a gift from my business associate, Alvaro, who imports the purest cocaine known to man from Cuba to New York. The cocaine business has earned me enough money to never have to work for the rest of my life and the next. But I'm a greedy bastard. Not only do I want to own the East Coast with the purest drugs I also want to own it in every way possible. My fingers are dipped in multiple pies, each one beneficial to me. And if I ever should arise to a problem I have the finest Judge of New York right inside my pocket.

My papa used to tell me everyone can be bought for the right price.

It's utterly pathetic of the human race to prove it true.

Money means power.

And I have an abundance of it.

I raise my brow coolly at Rico, who stands before me in a three pieced pressed black suit and a stoic expression upon his face.

For as long as I have know Rico he's never shown a semblance of emotion. I never thought much of it. Living in this world of ours everyone has their quirks.

But we live in a society where labels are everything and Rico lives with the label of alexithymia, the inability to identify and express or describe one's emotions.

To put it simply, for those who are incompetent Rico has problems with feeling emotions, or rather feeling any at all.

Although I imagine that must put a damper on his personal life it makes him the perfect man for the position he has.

Rico is the only person who I confide with due to his lack of empathy and his blunt approach to the world. Whereas the rest of the world sees black, white and grey, Rico sees nothing. Rico bases everything off of fact and strategy.

Which is exactly why he is warning me of the etiquette between the meeting of Famiglia's. Not particularly because he cares about Savio Fiore or Italian traditions but because it will cause a rift between us if I don't.

I, however, could give a fuck less.

Savio Fiore, the Don of The Fiore Famiglia, who has been waiting amongst the sidelines like the rest of the gangs and Famiglia's for my demise means nothing more to me than the dirt underneath the soles of my custom made Versace shoes.

But The Fiore Famiglia is the only Famiglia who is worthy enough to even be considered a rival.

The only business they have where I don't thrive is in arms trafficking. After the death of my papa, Savio wasted no time in trying to gain as much power as he possibly could. And with the little time that he possessed he managed to arrange a meeting with the arms trafficker that had dealt with us.

There is a deeper history, one I'm sure he has never dared breathed. And it's because our history that our familigia's have always been enemies.

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