Date Night

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Y/N stood in front of the mirror, surveying her reflection. She had put in a lot of effort into her makeup and hair, wanting to look her best for her date night with Harry. They were going out to a fancy restaurant, and she wanted to make sure she looked perfect for her husband.

"Are you ready, love?" Harry called out from the living room.

"Just about!" Y/N replied, grabbing her purse and making her way towards him. She couldn't help but smile as Harry's eyes widened when he saw her.

"You look amazing, Y/N," he said, taking her hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it.

Y/N blushed, feeling her heart flutter at Harry's words. After being together for years and having a baby, Harry still managed to make her feel like the luckiest woman in the world.

As they left the house, Y/N waved goodbye to her sister Ella, who was babysitting Theo. She trusted Ella with her life, but still couldn't help the slight pang of anxiety in leaving her baby behind.

"You alright, love?" Harry asked, noticing the worried expression on her face.

"Yeah, just a little anxious about leaving Theo behind," Y/N admitted, leaning into Harry's embrace.

"He's in good hands with Ella, and we deserve a night out," Harry reminded her, rubbing soothing circles on her back.

Y/N nodded, feeling reassured by Harry's words. They climbed into the car, Harry taking her hand as he drove them to the restaurant.

Once they arrived at the restaurant, Harry led her to their table - a secluded booth by the window, decorated with rose petals and candlelight. Y/N couldn't help but gasp at how beautiful it was.

"You're spoiling me, Harry," she said, a hint of disbelief in her voice.

"It's just a small token of my affection for you, love," Harry replied, pulling out her chair for her.

As they perused the menu, Y/N couldn't help but be reminded of their first date. Harry had taken her to a similar restaurant, and although they had been young and naive, the spark between them had been undeniable. Now, years later, they were parents to a beautiful baby boy, and their love had only grown stronger.

During dinner, Harry kept stealing glances at Y/N, admiration and adoration written on his face. Y/N felt her cheeks heat up, feeling his love for her radiating off him.

After dessert was served, Harry reached across the table and took Y/N's hands in his.

"Y/N, you are the most amazing woman I have ever met," he began, his voice soft and tender. "I am so grateful to have you as my wife, and every day, I fall more in love with you. I promise to always treat you like the queen you are and to be the best partner and father I can be."

Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes, unable to contain the love and emotion in her heart. "I love you so much, Harry," she managed to choke out, squeezing his hands tightly.

As they left the restaurant hand in hand, Y/N felt a sense of contentment and happiness wash over her. She was married to the most amazing man, had a beautiful baby boy waiting for her at home, and had the support and love of her family.

"Thank you for an amazing night, Harry," she said, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek.

"Anything for you, my love," Harry replied, wrapping his arm around her waist.

As they entered their home, they could hear Theo giggling and playing in the living room with Ella. Y/N ran to scoop her baby boy into her arms, showering him with kisses and cuddles.

"Did you have a good time, baby?" she asked, nuzzling her nose against his.

Theo gurgled happily, reaching out to tug on Harry's shirt. Harry picked him up, placing kisses on his chubby cheeks and making silly faces to make him laugh.

Y/N couldn't help but feel her heart swell with love and gratitude. She had a beautiful family, a loving husband, and a heart filled with contentment and joy. Life couldn't get any better than this.


Hey guys, if you have any suggestions, please comment and I'll make sure to incorporate them! Also, be sure to check out these authors who also write harry stories:


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