The Norse God and The Wizard

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The city was filled with screams of terror and fear as the city was under attack by the Chitauri, an alien race that Loki had brought thanks to the Tesseract. The Avengers were handling the battle well, but the Chitauri didn't give up. At Tribeca Prep High school, every student and teacher were running and screaming out on the streets trying to avoid the aliens. All but one girl, Alex Russo, one of the Russo wizards of Waverly Place. Her brothers, Justin and Max had run home but she wanted to see the Avengers in action. She saw the Norse god Loki chasing Black Widow in the sky.

Alex got curious and then she teleported herself inside Stark Tower undetected. She watched as both Loki and Widow crash landed outside on the balcony. Suddenly the Hulk appeared out of nowhere and smashed Loki through the glass door and inside. Alex hid behind the couch and peaked out to see what was going on. She saw Hulk grab Loki by the leg, and he started tossing and smashing him around like a ragdoll. When he was finished, he smashed Loki to the ground calling him a puny god. As Hulk left, Alex rushed to Loki's side and gasped at the damage the Hulk had done.

She could've just left Loki but something was telling her that he wasn't the one who caused this battle. So before the Avengers could show up, Alex used magic to transport herself and Loki to an abandoned apartment building that only she knew about. She also used magic to heal most of Loki's wounds. When Loki awakened, he saw that he wasn't in Stark Tower and he spotted Alex sitting on a chair, drawing. "Who might you be?" Loki spoke in a scratchy voice.

Alex had him lay back down and she got Loki some water for his throat. "You're safe. The Avengers won't find you here. I'm the one that saved you. My name is Alexandra Russo but everyone calls me Alex." Alex introduced herself to Loki.

Loki thanked Alex for saving him but he also asked why she did it in the first place. She had a hunch that even though Loki is the God of Mischief, he's not a bad guy. She wanted to know Loki's side of the story, why he was in New York. Loki had Alex sit down as he began to tell her about Asgard, his life and why he was here. Normally, Alex would just space out and ignore others but she actually listened to Loki. When Loki finished his tale, Alex decided to tell him about her family and the fact that she is a wizard. "So I do know what it's like to be the black sheep of the family."

In some way, the two were more alike than they realized. Alex told Loki that he can stay here and she would come and check on him after school and wizard lessons with her dad. However, Loki offered to teach her a few spells he was taught in exchange for keeping his secret. Alex figured that Loki's lessons would give her a real edge in her family's Wizard Competition. With that, Alex took Loki's offer then she raced back home.

She managed to make it home to the Waverly Sub Station, a sandwich shop. Her parents Terassa and Jerry Russo ran up to Alex looking worried. "Alex, where were you? You didn't come home after the school was attacked." Jerry asked suspiciously.

Alex lied and said that she was held captive by some of the aliens and the Avengers had saved her. Her parents bought the lie then Alex went to the Wizard Lair. She was lucky that only Harper was in there so she could tell her what really happened. Harper looked panicked when Alex told her that she saved the life of a Norse God that tried to kill them. She wanted Alex to come clean and hand Loki over to the Avengers but Alex told her that there was more to Loki than being evil. She begged Harper to at least keep this a secret from her family just for a little while. Reluctantly, Harper agreed to keep Alex's secret under the condition that she gets to meet Loki.

Alex told Harper that she was going to bring her to Loki tonight after dinner; Alex wanted to give him some leftovers from dinner. So when dinner came, Jerry told the kids that the school would be canceled for a few days until it was repaired. But that meant longer wizard lessons and shifts at the restaurant. Alex and Max groaned at the mention of longer wizard lessons except for Justin who was thrilled. Alex excused herself from the table then headed up to her room. She waited until Harper came up to her room with a sewing kit and a tin foiled wrapped plate. "Harper, what's with the sewing kit?" Alex asked.

"Well, I figured your Norse god friend could use a little modern look so I'm bringing my stuff to make him some new clothes." Harper answered, cheerily.

"Ok. But don't go overboard with it. We want to hide him, not put him in the spotlight." Alex stated.

Alex teleported herself and Harper to the apartment building Loki was hiding in. Loki seemed surprised to see Alex back so soon and that she brought a friend. She told Loki that Harper can be trusted and she wanted to make him some new clothes. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Loki asked.

"Well. On Earth, people might think you're coming from a Renaissance Fair. Also the Avengers will recognize you if you step outside." Harper stated.

Loki decided to let Harper work her magic on him, Alex put the plate of food to the side. Harper took out her measuring tape and started measuring out Loki's size for the clothes. Slowly, Loki started to trust both Harper and Alex. After Harper finished measuring Loki for his new clothes, Alex handed him the leftovers from her house. As Loki started eating; Alex started showing him a couple of spells that her dad had taught her. He was a little impressed with a few spells but he didn't like the fact that she was saying the spells and using a wand to cast them. Loki put his plate aside then told Alex that he was going to give her a quick lesson before she leaves.

She picked up her wand but Loki told her to put it away because he was going to teach her how to cast spells without the wand or saying the spell. "But I showed you I can do magic without my wand." Alex stated.

"But you said the spells. In combat or dueling, you can't reveal what spell you are using or you're dead within seconds. You have to focus on what spell you need and just let it happen without saying it." Loki explained.

With that, Loki demonstrated it by summoning fireworks from his hand. Alex and Harper watched in awe at how powerful Loki was. He stopped then Alex wanted to give it a try so Loki coached her on how to create fireworks. It took her about three times to get some sparks but on her fourth try, she finally got it. After her lesson, Alex teleported herself and Harper back home without anyone noticing. Alex couldn't stop thinking about her lesson with Loki, it was different from the lessons with her dad. Her dad just criticizes or yells at her for a mistake or not getting the spell right. But with Loki, he encouraged her to keep trying and he was patient with her.

She couldn't wait until her next lesson with Loki. With that, she made sure that she was going to try harder to win the Wizard competition

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