Chapter 10

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Hello, Hello!

I'm back to stay, and I'm telling you so!

I hope you're enjoying this so far! I really am surprised. Most of my stories don't pass the seventh chapter, but look here!

We're all the way at nine! Cool, right?

Also, I apologize for being gone for so long. I hope you can forgive me. Life's been a little...rough.

I didn't even know how I managed to sleep last night. When I had woken up to the sound of the alarm clock, I felt anything but refreshed. As my arm reached out to shut it off, the birds outside decided it would be a good idea to chirp. Loudly. As my body began to crawl out of bed, my mind tried its best to block the empty bed across from my own for me. I didn't have the motivation to go to school, let alone wake up. I didn't have the motivation to do,well, anything anymore. After what happened yesterday,  how was I supposed to get through the day?

Once my feet trudged to the bathroom door, my hands pressed against the wooden entryway, before it opened, and I turned to gather the materials needed. I might as well try, at least. After all, if I didn't show up at school, people would be worried- right? 

And with that, I began to wash up for the day,unaware of the things that might happen around me.

Once I had finished washing up, my hands the worn clothes into the hamper, before my head craned for a glance in one of the bedrooms. Inside was Nonno, who slept like a baby. A very loud, snoring baby at that. As I watched, a small giggle escaped me, before my hand flew to my mouth to stifle the laughs. Nonno looked so funny like that, I couldn't help it. Eventually, however, I had to leave the amusing sight,and with a small huff, my feet shuffled quietly down the stairs. As I got to the kitchen, I almost expected to see my brother, and hear his scolding. Almost. However, much to my disappointment, when my head turned,all my eyes were met with was a simple,empty kitchen. There was no fratello. There was no pasta. There wasn't even any tomatoes.

I walked into the room quietly, before my feet dragged me towards my destination. As I opened the fridge, my eyes roamed over the possibilities. Uneaten pasta from the last two days, a bag of freshly picked tomatoes. There was even a slice of cherry pie in there, along with many other store-bought things. But even with all the choices, my mind couldn't seem to will itself to decide. So, with that, I shut the door, before my body dragged itself back to the couch. It wasn't like I had that much of an appetite, anyways.

As I turned to the clock, a sigh seeped through my lips. There was still twenty-five minutes left to go. What was I going to do until then? While I prodded my mind for answers, my hands busied themselves with rather mundane things. I suppose cleaning the living room just happened to be one of them, along with rearranging some of the furniture. When I had finished with that,my eyes roamed the space. The living room looked spotless, but..a feeling of dissatisfaction still resided.

With a defeated breath, I plopped onto the couch, and closed my eyes. My mind brought up many things. Fights with my brother, the diagnosis, school. Very depressing things. As I tried to block such thoughts out, I opened one eye to look at the clock. Five minutes left till the bus came. Perfect.

As I pushed myself from the sofa, I slung my backpack over my shoulder, before my feet shuffled to the door. Before I exited, my eyes took one last glance at the house, before opening the door, and stepping out into the day.

I didn't have to wait long, before the bus came. However, the only problem was I had no idea where to sit, and looked around for a vacant seat. Surprise, surprise, there weren't any. So, I began to ask around.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2015 ⏰

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